🚧 Work in Progress! 🚧
UI5-TypeScript is an npm mono-repo that contains tooling to support TypeScript in SAP UI5 Projects. These tooling can enable:
- Better IDE integration for SAP UI5 projects (e.g content assist).
- Using TypeScript compiler to perform type checks on SAP UI5 applications.
- More easily implementing UI5 applications in TypeScript thus enjoying the general benefits of TypeScript.
Learn more about the general benefits of TypeScript here:
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/35048303
- https://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Anders-Hejlsberg-Introducing-TypeScript
It currently contains two packages:
- @openui5/ts-types TypeScript signatures for the SAP OpenUI5 project.
- @ui5/dts-generator A low level compiler which transforms SAP UI5 api.json format to TypeScript definition(dts) file format.
- This package is used by @openui5/ts-types to generate the SAP OpenUI5 TypeScript signatures.
- This is currently a "repo internal" package, not published on npmjs.com.
In the future this repo may contain additional npm packages, for example:
- A UI5-Tooling module that enables the creation of TypeScript signatures for 3rd party UI5 libraries.
- Editor related Tooling that would assist in the usage of UI5 TypeScript signatures in popular IDEs (e.g VSCode).
This project is in an experimental Beta State. Significant changes are likely to occur, including potential breaking changes.
Please open issues on github.
Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.