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hash-sets: faster implementation based on hashtables.
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mrjbq7 committed Mar 8, 2013
1 parent dc89883 commit ede0232
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Showing 3 changed files with 140 additions and 20 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions basis/compiler/tree/propagation/transforms/transforms.factor
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ math.integers.private layouts math.order vectors hashtables
combinators effects generalizations sequences.generalizations
assocs sets combinators.short-circuit sequences.private locals
growable stack-checker namespaces
hash-sets ;
FROM: math => float ;
FROM: sets => set ;
IN: compiler.tree.propagation.transforms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ IN: compiler.tree.propagation.transforms
in-d>> first value-info literal>> {
{ V{ } [ [ drop { } 0 vector boa ] ] }
{ H{ } [ [ drop 0 <hashtable> ] ] }
{ HS{ } [ [ drop f fast-set ] ] }
{ HS{ } [ [ drop 0 <hash-set> ] ] }
[ drop f ]
} case
] "custom-inlining" set-word-prop
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion basis/random/random.factor
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,12 @@ M: hashtable random

M: sets:set random members random ;

M: hash-set random table>> random first ;
M: hash-set random
dup cardinality [ drop f ] [
[ 0 ] [ array>> ] [ random ] tri* 1 + [
[ 2dup array-nth tombstone? [ 1 + ] 2dip ] loop
] times [ 1 - ] dip array-nth
] if-zero ;

: randomize-n-last ( seq n -- seq )
[ dup length dup ] dip - 1 max '[ dup _ > ]
Expand Down
149 changes: 132 additions & 17 deletions core/hash-sets/hash-sets.factor
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,149 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Daniel Ehrenberg
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2011 John Benediktsson, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs hashtables kernel sequences sets
sets.private ;
USING: accessors arrays hash-sets hashtables.private kernel
kernel.private math math.private sequences sequences.private
sets sets.private slots.private vectors ;
IN: hash-sets

! In a better implementation, less memory would be used
TUPLE: hash-set { table hashtable read-only } ;
TUPLE: hash-set
{ count array-capacity }
{ deleted array-capacity }
{ array array } ;

: <hash-set> ( capacity -- hash-set )
<hashtable> hash-set boa ; inline

: hash@ ( key array -- i )
[ hashcode >fixnum ] dip wrap ; inline

: probe ( array i probe# -- array i probe# )
1 fixnum+fast [ fixnum+fast over wrap ] keep ; inline

: no-key ( key array -- array n ? ) nip f f ; inline

: (key@) ( key array i probe# -- array n ? )
[ 3dup swap array-nth ] dip over ((empty)) eq?
[ 4drop no-key ] [
[ = ] dip swap
[ drop rot drop t ]
[ probe (key@) ]
] if ; inline recursive

: key@ ( key hash -- array n ? )
array>> dup length>> 0 eq?
[ no-key ] [ 2dup hash@ 0 (key@) ] if ; inline

: <hash-array> ( n -- array )
1 + next-power-of-2 2 * ((empty)) <array> ; inline

: reset-hash ( n hash -- )
swap <hash-array> >>array init-hash ; inline

: (new-key@) ( key array i probe# j -- array i j empty? )
[ 2dup swap array-nth ] 2dip pick tombstone?
rot ((empty)) eq?
[ nip [ drop ] 3dip t ]
[ pick or [ probe ] dip (new-key@) ]
] [
[ [ pick ] dip = ] 2dip rot
[ nip [ drop ] 3dip f ]
[ [ probe ] dip (new-key@) ]
] if ; inline recursive

: new-key@ ( key hash -- array n )
[ array>> 2dup hash@ 0 f (new-key@) ] keep swap
[ over [ hash-deleted- ] [ hash-count+ ] if swap or ] [ 2drop ] if ; inline

: set-nth-item ( key seq n -- )
2 fixnum+fast set-slot ; inline

: (rehash) ( hash seq -- )
swap [ dupd new-key@ set-nth-item ] curry each ; inline

: hash-large? ( hash -- ? )
[ count>> 3 fixnum*fast 1 fixnum+fast ]
[ array>> length>> 1 fixnum-shift-fast ] bi fixnum> ; inline

: grow-hash ( hash -- )
{ hash-set } declare [
[ members { array } declare ]
[ cardinality 1 + ]
[ reset-hash ] tri
] keep swap (rehash) ;

: ?grow-hash ( hash -- )
dup hash-large? [ grow-hash ] [ drop ] if ; inline


: <hash-set> ( n -- hash )
hash-set new [ reset-hash ] keep ; inline

M: hash-set in? ( key hash -- ? )
key@ 2nip ;

M: hash-set clear-set ( hash -- )
[ init-hash ] [ array>> [ drop ((empty)) ] map! drop ] bi ;

M: hash-set delete ( key hash -- )
[ nip ] [ key@ ] 2bi [
[ ((tombstone)) ] 2dip set-nth-item
] [
] if ;

M: hash-set cardinality ( hash -- n )
[ count>> ] [ deleted>> ] bi - ; inline

M: hash-set adjoin ( key hash -- )
dup ?grow-hash dupd new-key@ set-nth-item ;


: push-unsafe ( elt seq -- )
[ length ] keep
[ underlying>> set-array-nth ]
[ [ 1 fixnum+fast { array-capacity } declare ] dip length<< ]
2bi ; inline


M: hash-set members
[ array>> [ length ] keep ] [ cardinality <vector> ] bi [
[ array-nth ] dip over tombstone?
[ 2drop ] [ push-unsafe ] if
] 2curry each-integer
] keep { } like ;

M: hash-set clone
(clone) [ clone ] change-array ; inline

M: hash-set equal?
over hash-set? [ set= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;

: >hash-set ( members -- hash-set )
unique hash-set boa ; inline
dup length <hash-set> [ [ adjoin ] curry each ] keep ;

M: hash-set set-like
drop dup hash-set? [ ?members >hash-set ] unless ; inline

INSTANCE: hash-set set
M: hash-set in? table>> key? ; inline
M: hash-set adjoin table>> dupd set-at ; inline
M: hash-set delete table>> delete-at ; inline
M: hash-set members table>> keys ; inline
M: hash-set set-like drop dup hash-set? [ ?members >hash-set ] unless ;
M: hash-set clone table>> clone hash-set boa ;
M: hash-set null? table>> assoc-empty? ;
M: hash-set cardinality table>> assoc-size ;

M: hash-set intersect small/large sequence/tester filter >hash-set ;

M: hash-set union (union) >hash-set ;

M: hash-set diff sequence/tester [ not ] compose filter >hash-set ;
M: hash-set clear-set table>> clear-assoc ;

M: f fast-set drop 0 <hash-set> ;

M: sequence fast-set >hash-set ;
M: f fast-set drop H{ } clone hash-set boa ;

M: sequence duplicates
dup length <hash-set> [ ?adjoin not ] curry filter ;
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