The Authenticated Transfer Protocol, aka atproto, is a federated protocol for large-scale distributed social applications. This notebook introduces how to interact with the data on the protocol, all of which is publicly available.
We'll use Python, without an SDK, so you can see how it works behind the scenes, but SDKs for multiple languages have been developed, including Typescript, Python, Dart, and Go.
There's much more to atproto than what's covered here- for more in-depth information, check out:
- Bluesky's paper
- Bluesky's documentation
- Skygaze's starter repositories, which include bot and feed generator templates
!pip install requests;
import pprint
import requests
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
Your DID, or Decentralized Identifier, is your universal ID across atproto. You can change your handle, but your DID remains the same. You can read more on DIDs here.
If you have a user's handle and you need to resolve it to their DID, you can use the com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle
handle = "" # Input your handle here
resolved_handle = requests.get(
params={"handle": handle}
{'did': 'did:plc:yjmf4d5se4m23vgs7h5lyfgf'}
Lexicon is a schema system used to define RPC methods and record types. We'll use lexicons for the rest of this tutorial; you can read more about Lexicon here and see the HTTP API reference for all atproto and Bluesky lexicons here.
# You can get the DID for any user, like Paul:
handle = "" # Your handle can be your domain, too!
resolved_handle = requests.get(
params={"handle": handle}
{'did': 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd'}
A user's data is stored in their signed data repository (repo). Their repo holds the collections of all of their records, which include posts, comments, likes, follows, media blobs, etc. All currently active records are stored in the repository, and current repository contents are publicly available.
To access any user's data repository, you can use the com.atproto.repo.describeRepo
did = 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd' # Get your DID from the example above
data_repository = requests.get(
params={"repo": did}
{'collections': ['',
'did': 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd',
'didDoc': {'@context': ['',
'alsoKnownAs': ['at://'],
'id': 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd',
'service': [{'id': '#atproto_pds',
'serviceEndpoint': '',
'type': 'AtprotoPersonalDataServer'}],
'verificationMethod': [{'controller': 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd',
'id': 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd#atproto',
'publicKeyMultibase': 'zQ3shbTzUCq5zuk7oSj5zaJndqWhjwGDaGuvBXpjg8C19qssW',
'type': 'Multikey'}]},
'handle': '',
'handleIsCorrect': True}
The records in your data repository correspond exclusively to your "outbound" actions. For example, if you follow Paul or like one of Paul's posts, those records will be included in your data repository. However, if Paul were to follow you, there would be no record of that in your data repository; only Paul's.
Posts, along with all other types of records, are identified using their uri
and cid
- The
can be thought of the path to that record, using the following format:at://[did]/[record-type]/[record-key]
. - The
is the record's commit hash value and is used to cryptographically validate the record.
See an in-depth explanation of post records here
The collections
array in a user's data repo indicates all of the record types that that user has created. To retrieve all of a user's records of a given type, like all of their posts or all of their follows, you can use the com.atproto.repo.listRecords
my_posts = requests.get(
"repo": did,
"collection": "",
"limit": 1
{'cursor': '3klfrd6r7y32d',
'records': [{'cid': 'bafyreiejy7dvbwpeafg5reqcl5utbae2thtgru6q33lzou7e3vip7eschq',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:p7flpn65bzf3kzjrp2xftshq/',
'value': {'$type': '',
'createdAt': '2024-02-14T21:01:57.919Z',
'langs': ['en'],
'reply': {'parent': {'cid': 'bafyreiam25c245puhavkbp3xmxqpxnkfzlixvz5p46o2caxoa2m5f7gava',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:vwzwgnygau7ed7b7wt5ux7y2/'},
'root': {'cid': 'bafyreiam25c245puhavkbp3xmxqpxnkfzlixvz5p46o2caxoa2m5f7gava',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:vwzwgnygau7ed7b7wt5ux7y2/'}},
'text': '__innit__'}}]}
If you haven't posted on Bluesky yet, your
collection will be an empty array.
However, you can just as easily see any user's posts on the network. Let's get Paul's posts:
paul_did = 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd'
paul_posts = requests.get(
"repo": paul_did,
"collection": "",
"limit": 1
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {session['accessJwt']}"},
{'cursor': '3klvirybw6c2b',
'records': [{'cid': 'bafyreidnqpmg6knx6o3mkbonjeasne75hvmfnpevl4gyfcjohmnamwtkwm',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd/',
'value': {'$type': '',
'createdAt': '2024-02-21T03:11:46.550Z',
'langs': ['en'],
'reply': {'parent': {'cid': 'bafyreienacnu743ohgg5tw36q77gbd4dpr74cwvytyser53odpjtp42kdi',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:i3ycqqigla52z3pc6b24w3ku/'},
'root': {'cid': 'bafyreihkpwdhddycutoqel6sya6vbpgjmgkq66kykocsctvbzvlttcwoo4',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd/'}},
'text': 'oh lol'}}]}
A maximum of 100 records can be returned per request. The cursor
can be used to scroll through all of the records in a given collection, regardless of its size:
all_paul_posts = []
more_posts = True
cursor = ''
while more_posts:
paul_posts_batch = requests.get(
"repo": paul_did,
"collection": "",
"cursor": cursor
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {session['accessJwt']}"},
if 'cursor' in paul_posts_batch:
cursor = paul_posts_batch['cursor']
more_posts = False
# Paul has a lot of posts 😅
if len(all_paul_posts) > 500:
more_posts = False
Just like posts, you can access other record type for any user, like:
Check out all of the other atproto lexicons here.
paul_follows = requests.get(
"repo": paul_did,
"collection": "app.bsky.graph.follow",
"limit": 1
{'cursor': '3klstnu522s2o',
'records': [{'cid': 'bafyreigdnspbjbytlqgsotaw7mdaqpj3m3at7stxlnocf6tgubgwhdf5la',
'uri': 'at://did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd/app.bsky.graph.follow/3klstnu522s2o',
'value': {'$type': 'app.bsky.graph.follow',
'createdAt': '2024-02-20T01:48:19.526Z',
'subject': 'did:plc:uhfmcrnunkr3whev3momfchq'}}]}
Most of the data on the protocol is publicly available. However, to access data within the App View (as well as any of your own private data, like mutes) you must authenticate with your regular Bluesky credentials. You can protect your credentials by creating an App Password for your project.
Once you authenticate, you receive a session object. This object includes your accessJwt
, which is used to authenticate requests and is valid for 2 hours. Your refreshJwt
lasts longer and is used only to update the session with a new access token. The session object also includes some basic account information, like your did
, handle
, and email
# Create a Bluesky account at
bluesky_username = "<username>"
bluesky_password = "<password>"
session =
json={"identifier": bluesky_username, "password": bluesky_password},
As mentioned, data repositories only include a user's "outbound" actions. In order to have a global view, like "which users liked this post?", an App View aggregates records across all data repositories on the network.
The app.bsky.*
endpoints pull information from the global App View:
# Get the likes for a given post
post_uri = "at://did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd/"
post_likes = requests.get(
"uri": post_uri,
"limit": 1
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {session['accessJwt']}"},
{'cursor': 'did:plc:mm6g3tgaumdqvfvlij526zz7',
'likes': [{'actor': {'avatar': '',
'description': '#Toronto Her/She. 🏳️\u200d⚧️ TRANS 👉🏻 '
' or '
'Socials 🔗 \n'
'User: #44620 ',
'did': 'did:plc:mm6g3tgaumdqvfvlij526zz7',
'displayName': 'Monica Rose',
'handle': '',
'indexedAt': '2024-02-23T00:32:58.929Z',
'labels': [],
'viewer': {'blockedBy': False,
'followedBy': 'at://did:plc:mm6g3tgaumdqvfvlij526zz7/app.bsky.graph.follow/3kgu62s5sfm2w',
'muted': False}},
'createdAt': '2024-02-21T03:38:15.557Z',
'indexedAt': '2024-02-21T03:38:15.557Z'}],
'uri': 'at://did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd/'}
# Get the followers of a certain account
did = "did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd"
followers = requests.get(
"actor": did,
"limit": 1
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {session['accessJwt']}"},
{'cursor': '3km7wfn7of523',
'followers': [{'did': 'did:plc:3gukbz6l2gmzbxjtguukh4tq',
'displayName': '',
'handle': '',
'indexedAt': '2024-02-25T05:04:16.982Z',
'labels': [],
'viewer': {'blockedBy': False, 'muted': False}}],
'subject': {'avatar': '',
'description': 'Developer at Bluesky. The one who puts bugs in '
'this app. s/acc (shitpost accelerationist). Turbo '
'dude. He/him',
'did': 'did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd',
'displayName': 'Paul Frazee (hogfather arc) 🦋',
'handle': '',
'indexedAt': '2024-02-22T23:36:25.729Z',
'labels': [],
'viewer': {'blockedBy': False, 'muted': False}}}
# Get your preferences (private -- can only view your own)
preferences = requests.get(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {session['accessJwt']}"},
{'preferences': [{'$type': '',
'enabled': False},
{'$type': '',
'feed': 'home',
'hideQuotePosts': False,
'hideReplies': False,
'hideRepliesByLikeCount': 2,
'hideRepliesByUnfollowed': False,
'hideReposts': False},
{'$type': '',
'pinned': ['at://did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.feed.generator/whats-hot',
'saved': ['at://did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.feed.generator/bsky-team',