Install all the dependencies
npm install
We are watching all of our js files in the /js directory and bundling into a static/dist/bundle.js and we're watching and bundling all our scss files in the /scss directory and bundling into static/dist/scss/styles.css EDIT: I just ended up using the arrange.css file and main.css file you were using at, still including my styles.css file in index.html, but it only contains the css for react-select
When developing start watching both js and scss files:
npm start
To watch just js files:
npm run watch-js
To watch just scss files:
npm run watch-css
When ready to push for production be sure to minify the bundle.js file
npm run build-js
When developing on a Mac it's a common problem with browserify to get errors from opening too many files at once, browserify/browserify#431. To prevent this from being an issue change your upper limit in your bash profile, Just add this line to it...
# Work around bug in browserify
ulimit -n 2560
To see it working move into the static directory
cd property-grid/static
Then start a simple Python server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
And paste http://localhost:8000/ into the browser
All the sorting and filtering works (as far as I could tell anyway). Clicking on a property or on map view doesn't do anything. All the javascript is in static/js. It starts with app.js which gets the json of properties and then renders the initial react component and then it goes from there. Let me know if you have any questions or need me to update something. Sometimes it doesn't render 3 listings on every line like it should, happens for me when I sort square feet lowest to highest. Quite confusing.
These npm scripts are all located in the package.json file if you want to see what they are doing.