Official shurjoPay Magento 2 plugin for merchants or service providers to connect with shurjoPay Payment Gateway v2.1 developed and maintained by ShurjoMukhi Limited.
The steps in this installation guide will allow you to easily install the Shurjopay Magento 2 plugin.To see shurjopay in action, check out our Magento sample project as well.
- Install Magento 2 (standard installation process)
Download the plugin contents from the github repo as zip and extract them.
Then copy the shurjomukhi folder and paste the folder to your Magento directory “app/code”
- Run these command in your terminal to build shurjopay module in Magento 2.
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush
- Login to Magento Panel as Admin.
- Go to Stors->Configuration->SALES, select Payment Methods option in “SALES”.
Find SHURJOPAY PAYMENT GATEWAY there and to active shurjopay select Enabled to “Yes”.
Save the shurjopay merchant credentials in Admin settings of the plugin.
(select Test Mode checkbox to YES if you want to test in sandbox with sandbox credentials)
(select Test Mode checkbox to No if you want to go Live with Live credentials)- Merchant ID, Merchant Password, and Merchant Prefix after merchant onboarding, be sent through email.
- To onboard please query in shurjoPay contact.
- Click on “Save Config” button.
- Then there will be a link for “Cache Management”,Click on “Cache Management”.
- In Cache Management click on “Flush Magento Cache” button.
- Magento 2 sample project showing usage of the Magento plugin.
- Sample applications and projects in many different languages and frameworks showing shurjopay integration.
- shurjoPay Postman site illustrating the request and response flow using the sandbox system.
- shurjopay Plugins home page on github
This code is under the MIT open source License.
Please contact with shurjoPay team for more detail.
Copyright ©️2023 ShurjoMukhi Limited.