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🧩 Shafayet Khan Shafee ├─📦 R Packages │ ├─ tidycausal - Calculate causal effects (under development) │ ├─ hugodownplus - Extend 'hugodown's markdown document with toc and html boxes │ ├─ chunkthis - Rstudio Addin to create code chunks with copied R code │ ├─ simplexR - calculate the LP simplex table step by step (under development) │ ├─ moveQmd - Move QUarto Docs to folders (under Development) │ └─ LpSol - Linear programming (under Development) ├─🔵 Quarto Extensions │ ├─ black-formatter - Format the codes in python code chunk using black │ ├─ collapse-callout - Make the Callouts collapsible globally in HTML docs │ ├─ downloadthis - Embed download buttons in HTML docs │ ├─ line-highlight - Implement code line highlighting for HTML docs │ ├─ bsicons - use Bootstrap Icons in HTML docs and RevealJs presentations │ ├─ reveal-header - Add header text and header logo in all pages of RevealJs slide │ ├─ nameref - Use named reference in Quarto Docs │ ├─ add-code-files - Add contents from external source or code files │ ├─ metropolis - Revealjs template extension inspired by Beamer Metropolis theme │ ├─ code-fullscreen - Adds a full screen button in the code blocks in Quarto docs. │ ├─ collapse-social-embeds- Make collapsible callouts with Github gist, tweets, youtube vids etc │ ├─ hide-comment - Add comments in code chunk, hidden in rendered output │ ├─ material-icons - Use Google Material Design Icons in Quarto docs │ ├─ style-speaker-note - Style speaker notes of the RevealJs slides from a css file │ ├─ codefocus - Revealjs plugin │ └─ tableofcontents - Quarto Reveal.js plugin for allowing some options regarding tocs ├─🐍 Python Packages │ └─ pycount_ks - Calculate word counts in a text file ├─🌟 Projects │ ├─ WlidLife Strike - A dashboard showing plane damage by wildlife strike │ └─ TidyTuesday - My contributions to the #TidyTuesday weekly data project └─💡 Other ├─ Python code snippets - A few python code snippets ├─ Beamer Templates - My collection of beamer templates └─ Guessing Game - Kill some time guessing in bash shell
Happy Coding! 😊