standalone PHP forms component from Kyselo.
These works fine since 2017 and have very simple and stable interface.
Note that this is very similar how would you define form in pure HTML but it automatically adds server-side validation.
// registration form
$form = new severak\forms\form(['method'=>'POST']);
$form->field('username', ['label'=>'User name / URL', 'required'=>true]);
$form->field('email', ['label'=>'E-mail', 'type'=>'email', 'required'=>true]);
$form->field('password', ['label'=>'Password', 'type'=>'password', 'required'=>true]);
$form->field('password_again', ['label'=>'and again', 'type'=>'password', 'required'=>true]);
$form->field('terms_agreement', ['label'=>'I agree with terms of service', 'type'=>'checkbox']);
$form->field('register', ['label'=>'Register new account', 'type'=>'submit']);
$form->rule('username', function($name) {
return preg_match('~^[a-z]([a-z0-9]{2,})$~', $name)===1;
}, 'Bad username format: 3 or more lower case letters and numbers allowed, must start with letter.');
$form->rule('password_again', function($password, $fields) {
return $password==$fields['password'];
}, 'Must match previous password.');
$form->rule('terms_agreement', function($agreed){
return !empty($agreed);
}, 'You cannot use our service without terms agreement.');
if ($form->fill($_POST) && $form->validate()) {
// form was successfully sent and data were valid
if ($databaseInsertFailed) {
// you can also manually error messages AFTER validation, e.g. when something went wrong with databse
$form->error('register', 'Something went wrong while adding you. Please try again later.');
// display form as HTML
echo $form;