Serverless plugin for Librato Alerts
Alerts can be defined on a global level under the custom
section. Definitions can be overwritten per function and function specific alerts can be defined within the function definition.
Template strings can contain the following tokens:
Token | Description |
$[stackName] |
Stack name if defined (provider.stackName). If undefined, defaults to: <service>-<stage> |
$[serviceName] |
Name of service ( |
$[stage] |
Name of the stage. Value obtained in this order: --stage CLI option, config.stage, provider.stage, or default to dev |
$[functionName] |
Name of function |
$[functionId] |
Logical id of the function. This is the name of the function with - replaced with Dash , _ replaced with Underscore , and Function suffix added |
$[alertName] |
Name of alert |
$[env:<name>] |
Access an environment variable value (will not decode SSM parameter store references) |
Template strings can contain the following function tokens:
Function Token | Description |
$(camelCase <value>) |
Converts <value> to camel case |
$(kebabCase <value>) |
Converts <value> to kebab case |
$(lowerFirst <value>) |
Converts the first character of <value> to lower case |
$(toLower <value>) |
Converts <value> , as a whole, to lower case just like String#toLowerCase. |
$(upperFirst <value>) |
Converts the first character of <value> to upper case |
$(toUpper <value>) |
Converts <value> , as a whole, to upper case just like String#toUpperCase. |
service: foo
name: aws
runtime: nodejs20.x
stages: # Optionally - select which stages to deploy alarms to
- production
- staging
nameTemplate: "$[serviceName]_$[stage].$[functionName].$[alertName]" # Optionally - naming template for alerts, can be overwritten in definitions
nameSearchForUpdatesAndDeletes: "$[serviceName]_$[stage]." # Should be based on the nameTemplate. Only supports $[stackName], $[serviceName], and $[stage]
definitions: # these defaults are merged with your definitions
- name: not_running
description: 'Alert when function has not run in the last hour. Repeat alert every 15 minutes until cleared'
- metric: "$(upperFirst $[functionName]).overall_time"
type: 'absent'
duration: 3600
rearmSeconds: 900
- 145 # id of service 1
- 42 # id of service 2
- name: foo_bar.baz
description: 'Alert when baz immediately goes above 5'
nameTemplate: $[stage].$[functionName].foo_bar.baz # Optionally - naming template for the alarms, overwrites globally defined one
rearmSeconds: 600 # Specifies the minimum amount of time between sending alert notifications, in seconds. Defaults to 600s
- metric: ''
create: true # Control the properties of the metric if it does not exist and must be created
type: 'guage'
period: 60
type: 'above' # above, below, absent
- name: environment
- production
summaryFunction: 'average' # min, max, average, sum, count, derivative
duration: 0 # 0 for immediately. Or >= 60 and <= 3600 seconds
threshold: 5
notify: 24 # id of service
- not_running # Will be created for all functions
- serverless-librato-alerts
handler: foo.handler
libratoAlerts: # merged with global librato-alerts
- foo_bar.baz
- not_running # override specific settings
- metric: $[functionName].overall_time
type: 'stops reporting'
threshold: 15