//@version=5 indicator("Numbers Renko 数字練行足", overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000, max_labels_count=500, max_lines_count=500)
// ———————————————————— Inputs { string Numberfontsize = input.string(size.normal, "Font size", inline = "00", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings", options = [size.small, size.normal, size.large]) float Yspacing = input.float(0.0, " Y-axis Spacing", inline = "00", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings") float divisor = input.float(0.01, "Volume Divisor", inline = "01", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings", minval = 0) bool onlyLvol = input.bool(false, "Show Only Large Renko Volume", inline = "01", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings") float tdivisor = input.float(1, "Time Divisor ", inline = "02", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings", minval = 0) string TimeInput = input.string("None", " Show Renko Time", inline = "02", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings", options = ["All Renko Time","Only Large Renko Time","None"]) int emaPeriod = input.int(5, "EMA period for Calculation", inline = "03", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings", minval = 1) bool usesma = input.bool(false, "Use SMA", inline = "03", group = "Numbers Renko General Settings")
bool usetime = input.bool(false, "Use Renko Time for Number Color", inline = "04", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr1 = input.color(#333333, "Up Candle Number 0", inline = "a", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr2 = input.color(color.gray, "0.5", inline = "a", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr3 = input.color(color.white, "┆L→ 1", inline = "a", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr4 = input.color(#BAFF8C, "1.5", inline = "a", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr5 = input.color(#66FF00, "2", inline = "a", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr1 = input.color(#333333, "Dn Candle Number 0", inline = "b", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr2 = input.color(color.gray, "0.5", inline = "b", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr3 = input.color(color.white, "┆L→ 1", inline = "b", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr4 = input.color(#FF8298, "1.5", inline = "b", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr5 = input.color(#FF0230, "2", inline = "b", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring")
bool isShowbody = input.bool(false, "Show Candle Body ", inline = "05", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") bool usetime2 = input.bool(false, "Use Renko Time for Candle Body Color", inline = "06", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") bool isShowclrborder = input.bool(false, "Reflect Candle Body Color on Border and Wick", inline = "07", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr1b = input.color(color.new(#333333, 50), "Up Candle Body 0", inline = "c", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr2b = input.color(color.new(color.gray, 50), "0.5", inline = "c", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr3b = input.color(color.new(color.white, 50), "┆L→ 1", inline = "c", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr4b = input.color(color.new(#BAFF8C, 50), "1.5", inline = "c", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upclr5b = input.color(color.new(#66FF00, 50), "2", inline = "c", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr1b = input.color(color.new(#333333, 50), "Dn Candle Body 0", inline = "d", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr2b = input.color(color.new(color.gray, 50), "0.5", inline = "d", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr3b = input.color(color.new(color.white, 50), "┆L→ 1", inline = "d", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr4b = input.color(color.new(#FF8298, 50), "1.5", inline = "d", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnclr5b = input.color(color.new(#FF0230, 50), "2", inline = "d", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring")
bool isShowHollowCandle = input.bool(true, "Show Hollow Candle ", inline = "11", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Upbarclr = input.color(color.new(color.green, 60), "Up", inline = "11", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color Dnbarclr = input.color(color.new(color.red, 60), "Dn", inline = "11", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") bool isShowline = input.bool(false, "Show Renko Line ", inline = "12", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color colorlineUp = input.color(color.new(color.green, 50), "Up", inline = "12", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring") color colorlineDn = input.color(color.new(color.red, 50), "Dn", inline = "12", group = "Numbers Renko Coloring")
string WWVfontsize = input.string(size.large, "WWV Font size", inline = "13", group = "Weis Wave Volume", options = [size.small, size.normal, size.large]) bool reverselabel = input.bool(false, "Invert the line of the label above", inline = "13", group = "Weis Wave Volume") bool cumulTimeInput = input.bool(false, "Show Wave Time ", inline = "14", group = "Weis Wave Volume") bool EvsRInput = input.bool(false, "Show Effort vs Result", inline = "15", group = "Weis Wave Volume") float noResult = input.float(1.5, " No Result Ratio ", inline = "15", group = "Weis Wave Volume") bool reVolInput = input.bool(false, "Show Comparison Marks", inline = "16", group = "Weis Wave Volume") float hivol = input.float(1.5, " Large WWV Ratio", inline = "16", group = "Weis Wave Volume") color colorUpWaveVol = input.color(color.green, "Up WWV", inline = "17", group = "Weis Wave Volume") color colorDnWaveVol = input.color(color.red, " Down WWV", inline = "17", group = "Weis Wave Volume") color colorhiWaveVol = input.color(color.yellow, " Large WWV", inline = "17", group = "Weis Wave Volume") // }
// ———————————————————— Global data { O = open H = high L = low C = close
vol = volume * divisor// not var float wks = weekofyear(time[1]) > weekofyear(time) ? weekofyear(time) : weekofyear(time) - weekofyear(time[1]) tm = math.round(((time - time[1]) / 60000.0 - 2880.0 * wks)*tdivisor)
var float cumulVol = 0 var float cumulTime = 0 var int cumulRenko = 0 string arrow1 = na string arrow2 = na string arrow3 = na string arrow4 = na string relativeVol = na string EvsR = na string labelcumulTime = na
var float [] prevol = array.new_float(5, na)// not varip var float [] vp = array.new_float(5, na)// not varip
color barclr = color(na) color candleColor = color(na) color NumberClr = na // }
// ———————————————————— Functions { // —————— Numbers Renko Coloring ————————— G = C > O barclr := isShowHollowCandle ? G ? Upbarclr : Dnbarclr : na isUp = close > open
//time timeFraction = usesma ? tm / ta.sma(tm, emaPeriod) : tm / ta.ema(tm, emaPeriod)
string Renkotime = str.tostring(tm) string RenkotimeL = timeFraction > 1 ? str.tostring(tm) : na
//volume volumeFraction = usesma ? volume / ta.sma(volume, emaPeriod) : volume / ta.ema(volume, emaPeriod)
string Renkovolume = str.tostring(vol) string RenkovolumeL = volumeFraction > 1 ? str.tostring(math.round(vol, 0)) : na string labelRenkovolume = onlyLvol ? RenkovolumeL : str.tostring(math.round(vol, 0))
// Coloring colortypeN = usetime ? timeFraction : volumeFraction colortypeC = usetime2 ? timeFraction : volumeFraction
if isUp NumberClr := colortypeN > 2 ? Upclr5 : colortypeN > 1.5 ? Upclr4 : colortypeN > 1 ? Upclr3 : colortypeN > 0.5 ? Upclr2 : Upclr1 candleColor := colortypeC > 2 ? Upclr5b : colortypeC > 1.5 ? Upclr4b : colortypeC > 1 ? Upclr3b : colortypeC > 0.5 ? Upclr2b : Upclr1b else NumberClr := colortypeN > 2 ? Dnclr5 : colortypeN > 1.5 ? Dnclr4 : colortypeN > 1 ? Dnclr3 : colortypeN > 0.5 ? Dnclr2 : Dnclr1 candleColor := colortypeC > 2 ? Dnclr5b : colortypeC > 1.5 ? Dnclr4b : colortypeC > 1 ? Dnclr3b : colortypeC > 0.5 ? Dnclr2b : Dnclr1b
barclr := isShowclrborder ? candleColor : barclr
// ——————— Weis Wave Volume —————————— direction = int(na) direction:= close > close[1] ? 1 : close < close[1] ? -1 : nz(direction[1]) directionHasChanged = ta.change(direction) != 0 directionIsUp = direction > 0 directionIsDown = direction < 0
renkoblockcount = int(na) renkoblockcount := not directionHasChanged[1] ? renkoblockcount[1] : 1
var label currentWaveLabel = na var color labelColor = color.silver var color textColor = color.silver var string labelText = "" labelStyle = label.style_none xloc = bar_index yloc = yloc.abovebar fontsize = size.normal // }
// ———————————————————— Plots { plotcandle(O, H, L, C, "Renko Bar", color=isShowbody ? candleColor : na, wickcolor=barclr, bordercolor=barclr)
if TimeInput == "All Renko Time" label.new(bar_index, isUp ? open + Yspacing : close + Yspacing, labelRenkovolume + "\n" + Renkotime, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, NumberClr, label.style_none, NumberClr, Numberfontsize) else if TimeInput == "Only Large Renko Time" label.new(bar_index, isUp ? open + Yspacing : close + Yspacing, labelRenkovolume + "\n" + RenkotimeL, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, NumberClr, label.style_none, NumberClr, Numberfontsize) else label.new(bar_index, isUp ? open + Yspacing: close + Yspacing, labelRenkovolume, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, NumberClr, label.style_none, NumberClr, Numberfontsize)
// Reprint the confirmed high/low //from Weis Wave Volume Numbers by the_MarketWhisperer if directionHasChanged and directionIsDown cumulVol := vol cumulTime := tm cumulRenko := renkoblockcount array.push(prevol, cumulVol[1]) array.push(vp, cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1]) arrow1 := cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) ? "↑" : "↓" arrow2 := cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) ? cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "" : "⌄" : cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "^" : "" arrow3 := cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(prevol) - 3) ? "↑" : "↓" arrow4 := cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) ? cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "" : "⌄" : cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "^" : "" relativeVol := reVolInput ? arrow1 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1])) + arrow2 : str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1])) EvsR := EvsRInput ? reVolInput ? "[" + arrow3 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1] / cumulRenko[1], 1)) + arrow4 + "]" : "[" + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1] / cumulRenko[1], 1)) + "]": na labelcumulTime := cumulTimeInput ? "\n" + str.tostring(cumulTime[1]) : na labelText := reverselabel ? EvsR + labelcumulTime + "\n" + relativeVol : relativeVol + labelcumulTime + "\n" + EvsR labelStyle := (array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 4) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 5)) / 5 * noResult < cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] ? label.style_square : label.style_none textColor := (array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 4) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 5)) / 5 * hivol < cumulVol[1] ? colorhiWaveVol : colorUpWaveVol xloc := bar_index[1] yloc := yloc.abovebar fontsize := WWVfontsize label.new(xloc, close, yloc=yloc, textcolor=textColor, color=color.new(colorhiWaveVol, 50), style=labelStyle, text=labelText, size = fontsize) //Show developing volume (cumulVol) of the current bar arrow1 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "↓" : "↑" arrow2 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "" : "^" : cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "⌄" : "" arrow3 := cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "↓" : "↑" arrow4 := cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "" : "^" : cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "⌄" : "" relativeVol := reVolInput ? arrow1 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + arrow2 : str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) string rabelcumulVol = EvsRInput ? reVolInput ? "["+ arrow3 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + arrow4 + "]" : "[" + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + "]" : na labelcumulTime := cumulTimeInput ? "\n" + str.tostring(cumulTime) : na labelStyle := (cumulVol + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 4)) / 5 * noResult < cumulVol ? label.style_square : label.style_none labelText := relativeVol + str.tostring("") + labelcumulTime + "\n" + rabelcumulVol textColor := (cumulVol + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 4)) / 5 * hivol < cumulVol ? colorhiWaveVol : colorDnWaveVol currentWaveLabel := label.new(bar_index, close, yloc=yloc.belowbar, textcolor=textColor, color=color.new(colorhiWaveVol, 50), style=labelStyle, text=labelText, size = fontsize) else if directionHasChanged and directionIsUp cumulVol := vol cumulTime := tm cumulRenko := renkoblockcount array.push(prevol, cumulVol[1]) array.push(vp, cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1]) arrow1 := cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) ? "↓" : "↑" arrow2 := cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) ? cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "" : "^" : cumulVol[1] > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "⌄" : "" arrow3 := cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) ? "↓" : "↑" arrow4 := cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) ? cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "" : "^" : cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "⌄" : "" relativeVol := reVolInput ? arrow1 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1])) + arrow2 : str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1])) EvsR := EvsRInput ? reVolInput ? "[" + arrow3 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1] / cumulRenko[1], 1)) + arrow4 + "]" : "[" + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol[1] / cumulRenko[1], 1)) + "]": na labelcumulTime := cumulTimeInput ? "\n" + str.tostring(cumulTime[1]) : na labelText := relativeVol + labelcumulTime + "\n" + EvsR labelStyle := (array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 4) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 5)) / 5 * noResult < cumulVol[1]/cumulRenko[1] ? label.style_square : label.style_none textColor := (array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 4) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 5)) / 5 * hivol < cumulVol[1] ? colorhiWaveVol : colorDnWaveVol xloc := bar_index[1] yloc := yloc.belowbar fontsize := WWVfontsize label.new(xloc, close, yloc=yloc, textcolor=textColor, color=color.new(colorhiWaveVol, 50), style=labelStyle, text=labelText, size = fontsize) //Show developing volume (cumulVol) of the current bar arrow1 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "↑" : "↓" arrow2 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "" : "⌄" : cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "^" : "" arrow3 := cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "↑" : "↓" arrow4 := cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "" : "⌄" : cumulVol > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "^" : "" relativeVol := reVolInput ? arrow1 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + arrow2 : str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) string rabelcumulVol = EvsRInput ? reVolInput ? "["+ arrow3 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + arrow4 + "]" : "[" + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + "]" : na labelcumulTime := cumulTimeInput ? "\n" + str.tostring(cumulTime) : na labelStyle := (cumulVol + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 4)) / 5 * noResult < cumulVol ? label.style_square : label.style_none labelText := reverselabel ? rabelcumulVol + labelcumulTime + "\n" + relativeVol + str.tostring("") : relativeVol + str.tostring("") + labelcumulTime + "\n" + rabelcumulVol textColor := (cumulVol + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 4)) / 5 * hivol < cumulVol ? colorhiWaveVol : colorUpWaveVol currentWaveLabel := label.new(bar_index, close, yloc=yloc.abovebar, textcolor=colorUpWaveVol, color=color.new(colorhiWaveVol, 50), style=labelStyle, text=labelText, size = fontsize) // and not directionHasChanged else if directionIsDown // add current volume to cumulative volume cumulVol += vol cumulTime += tm cumulRenko += 1 arrow1 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "↓" : "↑" arrow2 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "" : "^" : cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "⌄" : "" arrow3 := cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "↓" : "↑" arrow4 := cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "" : "^" : cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "⌄" : "" relativeVol := reVolInput ? arrow1 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + arrow2 : str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) labelcumulTime := cumulTimeInput ? "\n" + str.tostring(cumulTime) : na EvsR := EvsRInput ? reVolInput ? "[" + arrow3 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol / cumulRenko, 1)) + arrow4 + "]" : "[" + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol / cumulRenko, 1)) + "]" : na labelText := relativeVol + str.tostring("") + labelcumulTime + "\n" + EvsR labelStyle := ((cumulVol / cumulRenko) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 4)) / 5 * noResult < cumulVol/cumulRenko ? label.style_square : label.style_none textColor := (cumulVol + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 4)) / 5 * hivol < cumulVol ? colorhiWaveVol : colorDnWaveVol xloc := bar_index yloc := yloc.belowbar fontsize := WWVfontsize currentWaveLabel := label.new(xloc, close, yloc=yloc, textcolor=textColor, color=color.new(colorhiWaveVol, 50), style=labelStyle, text=labelText, size = fontsize) // and not directionHasChanged else if directionIsUp // add current volume to cumulative volume cumulVol += vol cumulTime += tm cumulRenko += 1 arrow1 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? "↑" : "↓" arrow2 := cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) ? cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "" : "⌄" : cumulVol > array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) ? "^" : "" arrow3 := cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? "↑" : "↓" arrow4 := cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) ? cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "" : "⌄" : cumulVol/cumulRenko > array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) ? "^" : "" relativeVol := reVolInput ? arrow1 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) + arrow2 : str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol)) labelcumulTime := cumulTimeInput ? "\n" + str.tostring(cumulTime) : na EvsR := EvsRInput ? reVolInput ? "[" + arrow3 + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol / cumulRenko, 1)) + arrow4 + "]" : "[" + str.tostring(math.round(cumulVol / cumulRenko, 1)) + "]" : na labelText := reverselabel ? EvsR + labelcumulTime + "\n" + relativeVol + str.tostring("") : relativeVol + str.tostring("") + labelcumulTime + "\n" + EvsR labelStyle := ((cumulVol / cumulRenko) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 1) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 2) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 3) + array.get(vp, array.size(vp) - 4)) / 5 * noResult < cumulVol/cumulRenko ? label.style_square : label.style_none textColor := (cumulVol + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 1) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 2) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 3) + array.get(prevol, array.size(prevol) - 4)) / 5 * hivol < cumulVol ? colorhiWaveVol : colorUpWaveVol xloc := bar_index yloc := yloc.abovebar fontsize := WWVfontsize currentWaveLabel := label.new(xloc, close, yloc=yloc, textcolor=textColor, color=color.new(colorhiWaveVol, 50), style=labelStyle, text=labelText, size = fontsize)
// if barstate.isrealtime and directionHasChanged[1] // array.shift(prevol) // array.shift(vp)
// Renko Line var line renkoline = na var line renkoline2 = na var x1 = bar_index var y1 = close[1] linecolor = isUp ? colorlineUp : colorlineDn
x1 := directionHasChanged ? bar_index : x1 y1 := directionHasChanged ? open[1] : y1 x2 = bar_index y2 = open
if isShowline if not directionHasChanged line.delete(renkoline) if directionHasChanged renkoline2 := line.new(bar_index[1], open[1], bar_index, open[1], color=linecolor) renkoline := line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend=extend.none, color=linecolor) // }