Tween library for arcadia-unity
A version of's timeline concept.
starts a coroutine that iterates a seq?
collection. Items are invoked every frame and lazily iterate when falsey.
(timeline [
#(log "hello")
(wait 1.0)
#(log "goodbye")])
uses another fn layer to provide an initialization closure. This closure is needed to repeat wait
and tween
(cycle [
(fn [] (wait (rand)))
(fn [] #(log 'tick)])))
macro wraps forms with (fn [])
, and uses an Array for performance. :loop
as first arg cycles the iterator.
(timeline* :loop
(wait 0.5)
(tween {:local {
:position (v3 0 2 0)
:scale (v3 (rand))}} (object/named "ball") 0.9))
macro has similar usage as timeline*
, wraps forms with (fn [])
, and returns a coroutine. Unity supports nesting coroutines making and these performant but not as composable.
(WAIT 1)
#(log "foo"))
#(log "bar"))
(wait 0.5)
returns fn that returns true for the duration after it's first invokation
Throws a UnityEngine.MissingReferenceException
, silently stopping the timeline.
(timeline [
#(log "foo")
#(log "bar")])
conrol logic fn constructors, returning the boolean result of invoking their forms. Uses let bindings for each form to "evaporate" any closures. Pretty experimental, but does allows temporal control flow. Uses lazy evaluation as in core, since tweens and waits start when first invoked, using (OR a b c)
has interesting temporal behaviour.
(AND (wait 4.0)
(OR (AND (NOT (wait 1.0))
(tween {:position (v3 0 10 0)} foo 5.0))
(OR (wait 3)
#(log "cancel")))))
Registers a type for tweening. :pair
should be a type with mutable a
and b
fields. :lerp
fn takes two values and a System.Single ratio, which will be between 0
and 1
(deftag UnityEngine.Vector3
{:pair Vector3Pair
:lerp UnityEngine.Vector3/Lerp
:identity (UnityEngine.Vector3.)})
(deftween [:material :color] [this]
{:get (.color this)
:tag UnityEngine.Color
:base (.material (.GetComponent this UnityEngine.Renderer))
:base-tag UnityEngine.Material})
register an edn path as a tween. The path is arbitrary and the symbol binding will be to a user provided object.
edn patharg-2
vector with symbol used in getter codearg-3
map with::tag
qualified type of property (should be registered with deftag):get
code to get tweenable property:base
optional getter for derived object:base-tag
optional type-hint for base object
Expands into a fn that returns true for the duration after it's first invokation. The target map is exploded into paths, a path registered with deftween
will expand into code.
{:scale (Vector3. 2.0 2.0 2.0)
:position (Vector3. 0.0 2.0 0.0)}}
2.5 {:in :pow5})
map of target valuesarg-2
object referencearg-3
duration& more
compiles into opt map, naked easing keys compile to both:in
{:in :pow3}
- keys
- vals