The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
A package that lets you create TradingView screeners in Python
Sample Python(Flask) web application with Clean Architecture.
Bu repo, Go dilini hızlı bir şekilde öğrenmek isteyenler için hazırlanmış bir eğitim serisidir. Toplamda 40 konuyu, örnekler üzerinden anlatarak dilin temel yapılarını kapsar.
A repository to host examples and tutorials for Gin.
📓 Lint commit messages
Example project showing off clean/hexagonal architecture concepts in Python
Go RESTful API starter kit with Gin, JWT, GORM (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite), Redis, Mongo, 2FA, email verification, password recovery
implementation clean architecture with SOLID Principles
Exemplary real world application built with Golang + Gin
A starter project with Golang, Gin and DynamoDB
Python clean architecture and usecase implementation with fastapi and pydiator-core
List of blogs about Django and related technologies.
Custom GPT Store - A collection of major GPTS available in public
Instrument your FastAPI with Prometheus metrics.
Dkron - Distributed, fault tolerant job scheduling system https://dkron.io
A natural language interface for computers
🚀 CLI tool for FastAPI. Generating new FastAPI projects & boilerplates made easy.
🐍💨 FastAPI Rocket Boilerplate to build an API based in Python with its most modern technologies!
🚀 HTTPie Desktop — cross-platform API testing client for humans. Painlessly test REST, GraphQL, and HTTP APIs.
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python…
Seamless integration between Django REST framework and Datatables.
✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go.
🚀CodiumAI PR-Agent: An AI-Powered 🤖 Tool for Automated Pull Request Analysis, Feedback, Suggestions and More! 💻🔍