This is a collection of ROS2 nodes & packages that I have created for different ways to control the AR4 robotic arm using ROS2.
It is mostly test code, so please excuse the lack of documentation.
Most nodes will have a file with further information inside them.
Attach a camera the end of the arm and have it follow you around to keep your face in the center of the frame.
Watch on YouTube Shorts:
Control the robotic arm manually with an Xbox One Controller
Watch on YouTube Shorts:
Command the robotic arm to move using voice commands
Watch on YouTube Shorts:
ROS2 Node for controlling the LED strips installed on my robotic arm.
Watch on YouTube Shorts:
Clone to lib
mkdir lib
git clone [email protected]:se1exin/ar4_ros_driver.git lib/ar4_ros_driver
Run colcon build, but ignore the ar_hand_eye directory
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-ignore ar_hand_eye
ros2 launch ar_hardware_interface calibrate:=True
ros2 launch ar_testing use_sim_time:=False
ros2 launch ar_gazebo
ros2 launch ar_testing use_sim_time:=True