1 commit
to 3.2.x-new
since this release
Scalactic/ScalaTest 3.2.19 is a point release that makes a bug fixes and few enhancements.
Changes included:
- Fixed remaining Scala 3 infix warnings in method used in DSL. (#2315)
- Upgraded to Scala Native 0.5. (#2322)
ScalaTest+JUnit5 - Added support to run tests with dynamic test name when running a suite. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit5#19)
- Added support for ParallelTestExecution. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit5#18)
- Fixed a bug when extracting payload from throwable. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit5#16)
- Added wait for tests to finish before continuing. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit5#15)
- Updated JUnitSuite example. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit5#14)
- Upgraded JUnit version to 5.10.2 in ScalaTest+JUnit5.
ScalaTest+JUnit - Made JUnitRunner Filterable. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit#8)
- Translate TestCanceled to fireAssumptionFailed. (scalatest/scalatestplus-junit#28)
ScalaTest+ScalaCheck - Upgraded ScalaCheck version to 1.18 in ScalaTest+ScalaCheck (scalatest/scalatestplus-scalacheck#66)
- Report original arg value if it was shrunk. (scalatest/scalatestplus-scalacheck#12)
ScalaTest+Mockito - Add convient methods for ArgumentCaptor. (scalatest/scalatestplus-mockito#27)
- Upgraded Mockito version to 5.12 in ScalaTest+Mockito.
ScalaTest+Selenium - Upgraded Selenium version to 4.21 in ScalaTest+Selenium.
ScalaTest+TestNG - Upgraded TestNG version to 7.10 in ScalaTest+TestNG.
ScalaTest+JMock - Upgraded JMock version to 2.13 in ScalaTest+JMock.
ScalaTest+EasyMock - Upgraded EasyMock version to 5.3 in ScalaTest+EasyMock.