Django Field that implement those features:
- Rename files to a standardized name (using object id)
- Resize images for that field
- Automatically creates a thumbnail (resizing it)
- Allow image deletion
Install latest PIL - there is really no reason to use this package without it
easy_install django-stdimage
Put 'stdimage' in the INSTALLED_APPS
Import it in your project, and use in your models.
[...] from stdimage import StdImageField class MyClass(models.Model): image1 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img') # works as ImageField image2 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', blank=True) # can be deleted throwgh admin image3 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', size=(640, 480)) # resizes image to maximum size to fit a 640x480 area image4 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', size=(640, 480, True)) # resizes image to 640x480 croping if necessary image5 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', thumbnail_size=(100, 75)) # creates a thumbnail resized to maximum size to fit a 100x75 area image6 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', thumbnail_size=(100, 100, True)) # creates a thumbnail resized to 100x100 croping if necessary image_all = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', blank=True, size=(640, 480), thumbnail_size=(100, 100, True)) # all previous features in one declaration
For using generated thumbnail in templates use "myimagefield.thumbnail". Example:
[...] <a href="{{ object.myimage.url }}"><img alt="" src="{{ object.myimage.thumbnail.url }}"/></a> [...]
StdImageField stores images in filesystem modifying its name. Renamed name is set using field name, and object primary key. Also it changes old windows "jpg" extesions to standard "jpeg".
Using image5 field previously defined (that creates a thumbnail), if an image called myimage.jpg is uploaded, then resulting images on filesystem would be (supose that this image belongs to a model with pk 14):
image5_14.jpeg image5_14.thumbnail.jpeg
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