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The FG2019 paper submitted as Audio-Visual Emotion Forecasting. This repository contains the codes and other necessary information for that.

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The FG2019 paper submitted as Audio-Visual Emotion Forecasting. This repository contains the codes and other necessary information for that.

The work is explained in steps:

Data Preparation and processing

Step 1. Feature Extraction: Audio: MFB(27), MFCC(12), Pitch, Energy Video: Facial Markers: 46 facial markers (3-d)

       test_FH = TT(:,10:18);
       test_CHK = TT(:,19:66);
       test_BM = TT(:,88:111);
       test_BRO = TT(:,112:135);
       test_MOU = TT(:,136:159);
CHI: chin, FH: forehead, CHK: cheek, BM: upper eyebrow, BRO: eyebrow, MOU: mouth
Feature Extraction at 25 ms framerate and 50 ms window.

Step 2. Removal of NaNs: For the NaN features, we have used linear interpolation. If the NaN values of an utterance is more than 30%, we have removed that utterance.

code: gather_all_AV.m

Step 3. Windowing of the frames: Then we do the windowing. 30 frames, with 50% overlap, using 5 statistical features-- means, std, first-quantile, third-quantile and interquartile range. In total, there will be 895 features (41 audio+138 video= 179 and 5 statistical 179X5=895 features)

code: f_window.m

Step 4: Preparing and Normalizing data for Utterance Forecasting (UF): For forecasting, we prepare the data. The preparation is tricky. Things we have to keep in mind-

  • Forecasting uses current data and label for the next utterance(UF-1), or one after the next utterance (UF-2), or two after the next utterance (UF-3).
  • You must use data and label from the same speaker
  • You must forecast within a dialog. Therferefore the last utterance of the dialog needs to be discarded. Now, while doing the history-added forecasting (UF-his), we need to be careful in adding previous utterance history. The first utterance of a dialog will not have any history utterance. We take emotions 0-3 categorical labels only. After the reformation of the data, we will z-normalize the data. Followed by that, we will do the zero padding at the end of the features of speakers that has length less than the longest utterance.

code: UF_prparing_cur.m (for UF-cur) and UF_preaparing_his (for UF-his)

Step 5: Creating subset of data for Time Forecasting (TF): In TF, first we take all the utterance step forecasting data (UF-1,2 ,3), find the time distance of forecasting in them and then regroup them depending on the time-distance of forecasting. We will use the time range of: 1<=time_distance<5 5<=time_distance<10 10<=time_distance<15

The 3 time groups data are saved.

code: create_TF_subsets_from_UF.m

Step 6: Preparing and Normalizing data for Time Forecasting (UF): Similar as step 4

code: TF_prparing_cur.m (for TF-cur) and TF_preaparing_his (for TF-his)

Step 7: Saving the data for running the models: The data are saved in CSV format for DNN, D-LSTM and D-BLSTM operation.

code: saving.m

Building the Models

Step 8: Running the FC-DNN: The FC-DNN will have 3 FC layers and one softmax output layer at the end. FC-DNN has following criterias: -RELU as activation -ADAM with 0.0001 learning rate and 128 as batch size -masking layer to prevent the 0's at the end -selecting the stopping criteria by early stopping, when the cross validating recall is not increased after 10 epochs -Using leave-one-subject-Out and using 20% of the training data in each fold for choosing the number of epochs -We use unweighted accuracy as performance measure.


Step 9: Running the D-LSTM and D-BLSTM: The D-LSTM will have two LSTM layers, one FC layer and one softmax output layer at the end. They have following criterias: -RELU as activation -ADAM with 0.0001 learning rate and 128 as batch size -masking layer to prevent the 0's at the end -selecting the stopping criteria by early stopping, when the cross validating recall is not increased after 10 epochs -Using leave-one-subject-Out and using 20% of the training data in each fold for choosing the number of epochs -We use unweighted accuracy as performance measure

The same criterias are for D-BLSTM too.

code: and

How to Run

For running the codes, you need MATLAB (any version after 7.0), Python (Any version after 3.0) with keras installed. Download the the folder Full_EF and also put the IEMOCAP_data and All_audiovisual folders from kimlab/Sadat/IEMOCAP_forcasting/Full_EF.

a. For preaparing you desire dataset go to the Full_EF directory and run in matlab > MAIN_PROCESS(st, FW, history),

where for st stands for step size (1, 2 or 3), FW stands for Forecasting Window ('UF' or 'TF') , and history stands for presence or absence of history ('cur' or 'his'). For example, to prepare the dataset for TF-his 2, you have to write,

MAIN_PROCESS(2, 'TF', 'his')

The description of function files are below: f_window(): This code converts the framewise data to windowwise data.

UF_preparing_cur(st): This code prepare data for the task of Utterance forecasting. At the end of the code, we will find a prepared dataset for utterance forecasting. The preparation includes normalization and zero padding at the end. It takes step size as input.

UF_preparing_his(st): This code will take history for Utterance forecasting and prepare data for forecasting. This function has a dependendency and it is, we must run UF_preparing_cur first. It takes step size as input.

create_TF_subsets_from_UF(): This piece of code will calculate the time distance of utterance step forecasting and organize all of them in a manner that their time distance fall into a definite time-group.

TF_preparing_cur(st): This function process the data from the subset of UF (which is saved time-distance wise or TF 1, 2 or 3). The processing includes making the statistical features and normalization. It takes step size as input.

TF_preparing_his(st): This code will take history for Time forecasting and prepare data for forecasting. This function has a dependendency and it is, we must run TF_preparing_cur first. It takes step size as input.

saving(st, FW, history): This code will save all the prepared and normalized data in a way that they can be used for running FC-DNN, D-LSTM and D-BLSTM network. It takes step size, forecasting window and history ('his' or 'cur') as input. The function returns the size of the data which will be used in and The variable returned will have following form: >(utterance_number, window_size, 895).

b. For running different models, the 3 codes are used. Go to the Full_EF directory and run :

  • for FC-DNN


  • for D-LSTM and D-BLSTM, open the file. In the variable name utterances, put down the utterance_number and W_Length,put down the window_size from the output of saving function. Then run,


python This code will apply FC-DNN on your data This code will apply D-LSTM on your data This code will apply D-BLSTM on your data

Running Pretrained Models:

We also saved the pretarined models for out D-LSTM and D-BLSTM models. For every experiment we have a pretrained model for each speaker. The code loads the pretrained model and show the test accuracy.

How to run it--- Pretrained models are saved in the kimlab server of UAlbany, SUNY. The directory is: /network/rit/lab/kimlab/Sadat/IEMOCAP_forcasting/sameframe/STATISTICAL and it has several folders where models are saved. Load the models for each speaker and then load necessary information and run it.


The FG2019 paper submitted as Audio-Visual Emotion Forecasting. This repository contains the codes and other necessary information for that.






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