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MVP release

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@rochus-keller rochus-keller released this 12 Dec 22:43
· 5 commits to master since this release

Now that two applications of notable size are (mostly) completed and the compiler and IDE work sufficiently stable (of course there are still bugs, even a crash now and then), it is time to make the project known to a wider audience so that interested parties can scrutinize the language and tools.

There are precompiled packages for Linux and Windows that also include the two projects mentioned. You can simply download the compressed files, unzip them on your local hard disk, and start the "LuonIDE" application. Via the "Open" menu, you can open a project file (*.lnpro) from the "demo" subdirectory and run the application via the "Run" menu.
The IDE supports semantic navigation. Control-clicking an identifier takes you to its declaration. As with a browser, you can also jump back, and there are side panels with cross-references and other context-sensitive information.

Additional information can be found in the Readme and there is a language specification (in Asciidoc and HTML format).

I hope you enjoy it.