Trajectory Execution is with simple C++ Script without using Moveit Task Constructor
This is a C++ pipeline to generate desired trajectories one after other on the Panda Robot
First, we will install ROS2 Humble and other dependencies in the Docker container
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install gazebo
sudo apt install ros-humble-moveit
sudo apt-get install ros-humble*controller*
sudo apt-get install ros-humble*joint*state*
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
Now you are ready to follow the next steps as given on MoveIt tutorials here till the ‘Setup Your Colcon Workspace’ section to install moveit.
- Create a ROS Workspace, source and build it.
- Create a package using
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake my_package
- Build and source the workspace again.
- Git Clone the repo inside the src folder of the workspace and Load up your Pandas robot in Rviz2 by running
ros2 launch sjd3333_configuration
- Launch the Robot Model by adding the Robot_Model plugin and subscribe to the /robot_description Topic inside Rviz to make the robot visible.
- Now add the Motion Planning Moveit Plugin inside Rviz.
ros2 run package_sjd3333 package_sjd3333
Attached is the video link for the pick and place implementation here.
Also find attached the video to use Moveit Setup Assistant to build the Moveit configuration files from scratch here.