Vim Input Completion for GitHub
github-complete.vim is a completion plugin to complete things related to GitHub. It generates, caches and contextually shows candidates of completion via GitHub API.
Now github-complete.vim provides below completions:
- Emoji completion
- User name completion
- Repository name completion
- Issue number completion
- Link URL completion
You can use these completions as omni completion in Vim. Type <C-x><C-o>
in insert mode to invoke omni completion.
Please see documentation for more detail.
When the cursor is after ":", github-complete.vim invokes emoji completion. If your font can deal with unicode emojis, the items of completion show the corresponding emojis.
When the cursor is after "@" or "", github-complete.vim invokes GitHub user name completion.
When the cursor is after the format {user name}/{some query}
, github_complete.vim invokes GitHub repository completion. It shows repositories which {user name}
When the cursor is after "#", github-complete.vim invokes issue number completion. You can select an issue with looking the issue titles in items of completion.
When writing link to GitHub repository in markdown, you can complete its URL.
On writing [something](
, github-complete.vim searches GitHub repositories by the title something
and shows the result.
You can use modern Vim plugin package managers (e.g. Vundle.vim/vim-plug/neobundle.vim):
Plugin 'rhysd/github-complete.vim'
Plug 'rhysd/github-complete.vim'
NeoBundle 'rhysd/github-complete.vim'
github-complete.vim optionally depends on vimproc.vim. I recommend to install them in advance.
Then you've already gained the completions. Open a buffer, execute :setf gitcommit
, then try to type <C-x><C-o>
after :
. It will show emoji candidates. If you can't see the candidates, check omnifunc
option with :set omnifunc
and make sure to set it to github_complete#complete
neocomplete sources
github-complete.vim provides neocomplete sources corresponding to above completions. They are disabled by default. When you enable them, neocomplete will show candidates of the completion automatically. Please see documentation for more detail.
If you are Japanese, you may be lucky. For the environment where unicode emoji font is not available, emoji completion shows the Japanese descriptions instead of them. Set g:github_complete_emoji_japanese_workaround
to 1 to enable this feature.
Please write below config to prevent neocomplete from executing omni completion on gitcommit
and markdown
if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns')
let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {}
let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.markdown = ''
let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.gitcommit = ''
Please set GitHub API token to g:github_complete_github_api_token
. Do not put API token to public place and manage it properly.
How to obtain it is:
- Access to
- Click your icon and select 'Settings' in pull-down menu.
- Select 'Personal access tokens' tab.
- Click 'Generate new token' button.
- Specify properly scopes.
- Click 'Genrate token' button and copy the displayed token.
Please try setting GitHub API token as the above question. API limit is increased to 5000 from 60 per hour when API token is specified.
You can define a mapping for manual completion as below.
" Disable overwriting 'omnifunc'
let g:github_complete_enable_omni_completion = 0
" <C-x><C-x> invokes completions of github-complete.vim
autocmd FileType markdown,gitcommit
\ imap <C-x><C-x> <Plug>(github-complete-manual-completion)
github-issues.vim provides you GitHub issue integration in Vim. You can look, create and close a GitHub issue.
Git integration for Vim
Git client for Vim which is inspired by magit for Emacs.
Vim emoji is a library and small completion plugin to use emoji in Vim. The plugin is distributed under the MIT license. I use the data in the library following it. Thank you @junegunn!
github-complete.vim uses vital.vim. vital.vim is a general purpose Vim script libraries developed by Japanese Vim community. They are embedded in github-complete.vim as vital modules so that users need not to install it manually. (Don't worry, vital.vim is open to the public with very relaxed license.)
This software is distributed under The MIT License