Summarizes multiple consecutive joins/parts/quits/nick changes in a single channel by tracking them in a single line, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in any channel and easily allowing you to see at a glance the current state of all changes to a channel's member list since anyone last spoke.
Turns this:
11:38:28 -!- david [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:47:14 -!- sarah [[email protected]] has joined #talk 11:50:14 -!- marco [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 11:52:45 -!- robin [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: robin] 11:53:07 -!- robin [[email protected]] has joined #talk 11:53:50 -!- harold [[email protected]] has joined #talk 11:54:02 -!- courtney [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: courtney] 12:02:54 -!- marco [[email protected]] has joined #talk 12:19:18 -!- harold is now known as harold|afk 12:20:00 -!- sarah [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout] 12:20:31 -!- marco is now known as marco_
into this:
Joins: harold|afk -- Quits: david, courtney -- Nicks: marco -> marco_
Yes. Consider it lossy compression. Do you really need to see all those masks and quit messages, anyway?
cd ~/.irssi/scripts && wget
- In irssi, run
/script load
- Want to autorun?
ln -s ~/.irssi/scripts/ ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/