Enable custom checks for Odoo modules.
Code | Description | Short name |
C7902 | Missing ./README.rst file. Template here: %s | missing-readme |
C8101 | Missing author required "%s" in manifest file | manifest-required-author |
C8102 | Missing required key "%s" in manifest file | manifest-required-key |
C8103 | Deprecated key "%s" in manifest file | manifest-deprecated-key |
C8104 | Use CamelCase "%s" in class name "%s". You can use oca-autopep8 of https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools to auto fix it. |
class-camelcase |
C8105 | License "%s" not allowed in manifest file. | license-allowed |
C8106 | Wrong Version Format "%s" in manifest file. Regex to match: "%s" | manifest-version-format |
C8107 | String parameter of raise "%s" requires translation. Use _(%s) | translation-required |
C8108 | Name of compute method should start with "_compute_" | method-compute |
C8109 | Name of search method should start with "_search_" | method-search |
C8110 | Name of inverse method should start with "_inverse_" | method-inverse |
C8201 | No UTF-8 coding comment found: Use # coding: utf-8 or # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
no-utf8-coding-comment |
C8202 | UTF-8 coding is not necessary | unnecessary-utf8-coding-comment |
E7901 | %s %s | rst-syntax-error |
E7902 | %s error: %s | xml-syntax-error |
E8101 | The author key in the manifest file must be a string (with comma separated values) | manifest-author-string |
E8102 | Use of cr.commit() directly - More info https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#never-commit-the-transaction | invalid-commit |
E8103 | SQL injection risk. Use parameters if you can. - More info https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#no-sql-injection | sql-injection |
F8101 | File "%s": "%s" not found. | resource-not-exist |
R7980 | Consider merging classes inherited to "%s" from %s. | consider-merging-classes-inherited |
R8101 | Import Warning should be renamed as UserError from openerp.exceptions import Warning as UserError |
openerp-exception-warning |
R8110 | Method defined with old api version 7 | old-api7-method-defined |
W7901 | %s Dangerous filter without explicit user_id in xml_id %s |
dangerous-filter-wo-user |
W7902 | %s Duplicate xml record id "%s" in %s | duplicate-xml-record-id |
W7903 | %s | javascript-lint |
W7904 | %s Deprecated <openerp> xml node | deprecated-openerp-xml-node |
W7905 | %s record res.users without context="{'no_reset_password': True}" | create-user-wo-reset-password |
W7906 | %s Duplicate id "%s" | duplicate-id-csv |
W7907 | %s Duplicate xml field "%s" in lines %s | duplicate-xml-fields |
W7908 | %s Missing newline | missing-newline-extrafiles |
W7909 | %s Redundant name module reference in xml_ids "%s". | redundant-modulename-xml |
W7910 | %s Use wrong tabs indentation instead of four spaces | wrong-tabs-instead-of-spaces |
W7930 | %s not used from manifest | file-not-used |
W7935 | External dependency "%s" without ImportError. More info: https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#external-dependencies | missing-import-error |
W7936 | Missing external dependency "%s" from manifest. More info: https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#external-dependencies | missing-manifest-dependency |
W7937 | %s The xml attribute is missing the translation="off" tag %s | xml-attribute-translatable |
W7938 | pass into block except. If you really need to use the pass consider logging that exception | except-pass |
W7939 | %s Use <odoo> instead of <odoo><data> or use <odoo noupdate="1">instead of <odoo><data noupdate="1"> | deprecated-data-xml-node |
W7940 | %s Dangerous use of "replace" from view with priority %s < %s | dangerous-view-replace-wo-priority |
W7942 | %s Deprecated <tree> xml attribute "%s" | xml-deprecated-tree-attribute |
W7943 | %s Deprecated QWeb directive "%s". Use "t-options" instead | xml-deprecated-qweb-directive |
W7944 | %s The resource in in src/href contains a not valid chararter | character-not-valid-in-resource-link |
W7950 | Same Odoo module absolute import. You should use relative import with "." instead of "openerp.addons.%s" | odoo-addons-relative-import |
W8101 | Detected api.one and api.multi decorators together. | api-one-multi-together |
W8102 | Missing api.one or api.multi in copy function. | copy-wo-api-one |
W8103 | Translation method _("string") in fields is not necessary. | translation-field |
W8104 | api.one deprecated | api-one-deprecated |
W8105 | attribute "%s" deprecated | attribute-deprecated |
W8106 | Missing super call in "%s" method. |
method-required-super |
W8110 | Missing return (super is used) in method %s. |
missing-return |
W8111 | Field parameter "%s" is no longer supported. Use "%s" instead. | renamed-field-parameter |
W8112 | "eval" referenced detected. | eval-referenced |
W8113 | The attribute string is redundant. String parameter equal to name of variable | attribute-string-redundant |
W8114 | Website "%s" in manifest key is not a valid URI | website-manifest-key-not-valid-uri |
W8201 | You have a python file with execution permissions but you don't have a interpreter magic comment. If you really needs a execution permission then add a magic comment ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix) ). If you don't needs a execution permission then remove it with: chmod -x %s | incoherent-interpreter-exec-perm |
W8202 | Use of vim comment | use-vim-comment |
# pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/oca/pylint-odoo.git
# pip install --upgrade --pre pylint-odoo
pylint --load-plugins=pylint_odoo -e odoolint ...
Example to test just odoo-lint case:
touch {ADDONS-PATH}/__init__.py
pylint --load-plugins=pylint_odoo -d all -e odoolint {ADDONS-PATH}
If you have external files you can add them in examples
folder to skip.
For rst-syntax-error skip unknown directives
If you need to skip one check in one xml file you can use the follow way
```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- pylint:disable=name-of-check-to-skip --> <odoo>
```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- pylint:disable=name-of-check-to-skip, second-name-check-to-skip --> <odoo>
This skip only work with the name of the check, not work with the name of check
The position of the comment it is not relative to the line that throw the check