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- connectorslib Public
This library contains different processes that inter-connect fundamental REST libraries, requiring to transfer an event type into another. I.e. hit clustering to transform detector hits into a track event, or raw signal to be transformed into a detector event. It also may contain other complex processes that require to use 2 libraries simultaneo…
rest-for-physics/connectorslib’s past year of commit activity - tracklib Public
It defines a track event type allowing to define inheritance relations between tracks that contain groups of hits. A process connecting to the detector library allows for hit clustering to create a first set of tracks using a distance relation. Graph theory processes are included in this library in order to identify and reconstruct a physical tr…
rest-for-physics/tracklib’s past year of commit activity - rawlib Public
It is used to store time event pulses with a fixed number of bins. It includes processes related to signal conditioning, such as signal shaping, deconvolution, pulse fitting, de-noising, FFT, common noise reduction, and related routines. It is capable to read different binary formats from different electronic systems into REST.
rest-for-physics/rawlib’s past year of commit activity - geant4lib Public
It is used to store and analyse the events generated in a Geant4 simulation, it defines and stores the particle generator and simulation conditions, such as the details of the physics list used during the Monte Carlo.
rest-for-physics/geant4lib’s past year of commit activity - framework Public
The main project containing the core C++ classes defining framework behaviour and primordial analysis and helper tools. It centralises all other rest-for-physics repositories through submodules.
rest-for-physics/framework’s past year of commit activity - detectorlib Public
It is used to define a detector readout topology, and access gas or other detector properties. It also implements processes including routines for event reconstruction from real detector data, and/or emulation of different physical response effects, such as electron diffusion.
rest-for-physics/detectorlib’s past year of commit activity - restG4 Public
A generic Geant4 code project that uses the REST Geant4 library to define the simulation conditions and collect the simulated results as a ROOT file, in the form of REST c++ objects. restG4 just requires two inputs, and RML file defining the simulation conditions and a GDML geometry file.
rest-for-physics/restG4’s past year of commit activity - axionlib Public
Integration of components for basic axion-photon raytracing in axion helioscopes. Solar axion flux generation routines, optics response, magnetic field definition, and likelihood sensitivity calculations.
rest-for-physics/axionlib’s past year of commit activity