Protocol Buffer tutorial for ROS
Protocol Buffers are Google's language-neutral and platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.
- Protocol Buffers. Kindly read below for installation purpose.
- Download the repository or use
git clone
appropriately. - Make sure to have a working ros workspace. Place the downloaded code inside source folder i.e.,
of ros workspace. - Setup protobuf. Kindly see here.
- Invoke catkin tool inside ros workspace i.e.,
- Invoke the publisher by using following command
rosrun ros_protocol_buffer_tutorial main
- The published data can be seen by using following coomand
rostopic echo /protobuff_address_book
- The application is tested on ROS Indigo in 64Bit Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, 8GB RAM, Intel Core i7-2600 3.40GHz x 8 CPU with kernel 4.4.0-59-generic and gcc 4.8.4.
Please check here and create issues accordingly.