- 👨💻 Developer since I was 14 years old
- 🔭 Passionate about DataEngineering / DataScience / AI
- 🌱 French Tech Board Member
- 🚀 Runing a Startup Studio in Hong Kong elitizon
- 🤖 Founder and Board Member of QuantaLogic an AI Platform quantalogic
- 🤖 Co Founder of AI-TUTOR https://www.studentcentral.ai/
- 🌊 Technical adviser of WaveX a Climate-tech Start-up in London
- 📘 Author The Definitive Guide to Data Integration
- 🔗 Book a consultation with Me: https://topmate.io/raphael_mansuy
- 🔗 LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raphaelmansuy/
- 🔗 Exponential AI 🧠, Weekly NewsLetter: https://exponentialai.substack.com/
- 🔗 Medium articles abot AI and Data Engineering: https://medium.com/@raphael.mansuy
- 🔗 X / Twitter 🐥 : https://twitter.com/raphaelmansuy