An app designed to map bridges with their safety for otters.
The app consists of the following components:
which wraps parse-server, parse-dashboard and other services up in an Express JS serverfrontend
client for bridge reporting and viewingmongodb
as a database for Parse
node >= 20
docker >= 25
The yarn cli is part of this repository and can be used to install the dependencies.
yarn install
yarn workspace @untendurch/backend run db:start
yarn workspace @untendurch/backend run dev
yarn workspace @untendurch/frontend run dev
The app will be available under http://localhost:5173.
Parse Dashboard can be accessed via http://localhost:1337/dashboard whereas Parse Server is listening on http://localhost:1337/parse and MongoDB is listening on localhost:27017
yarn workspace @untendurch/backend run build
yarn workspace @untendurch/frontend run build:[dev|test|prod]
For de
as example.
cd frontend
npm run i18n-extract -- 'src/**/*.ts*' --ignore='**/*.d.ts' --out-file lang/de.json --id-interpolation-pattern '[sha512:contenthash:base64:6]'
cd frontend
npm run i18n-compile -- lang/de.json --ast --out-file src/compiled-lang/de.json
docker build -f frontend/Dockerfile .
The Docker Compose setup docker-compose/example
can be seen as a template for any TEST, PRE-PROD or PROD setup. All required variables are present in the .env.example
file which you will need to rename to .env
This project is licensed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the LICENSE file for details