A Telescope picker to quickly access configurations of plugins managed by lazy.nvim.
Example: Searching for telescope
plugins configurations:
⚡ Simply search the plugin name and open its configuration at the corresponding file and line.
⚡ Quickly access all the specs where a plugin is defined.
⚡ No more head overload trying to remember in which file you changed that plugin option.
⚡ Easily find duplicates or conflicting overlapping settings.
⚡ Add custom entries to any file for your special needs.
⚡ Quickly execute builtin actions on the selected entry:
- Open the selected plugin configuration (
). - Open the selected plugin webpage in a browser (
). - Open the selected plugin README file (
). - Open the selected plugin repository local clone directory (
). - Open the selected plugin options passed into the plugin setup call (
). - Open a
picker at the plugin's local directory path (<C-g>l
). - Open a
picker at the plugin's local directory path (<C-g>f
). - Create/Add your custom actions.
- Neovim >= v0.9.0
- lazy.nvim >= v11.0.0
- Add it into the Telescope dependencies:
return {
dependencies = {
{ "polirritmico/telescope-lazy-plugins.nvim" },
-- etc.
Check the Configuration examples and the Configuration section for more details.
📌 If your lazy configuration file is not located in the default path
), the lazy_config
option must be set to a valid
- Manually loading the extension:
It's recommended to run :checkhealth telescope
after the installation (make
sure the extension is loaded first).
- Command-line:
:Telescope lazy_plugins
- Lua:
Add the options in the telescope.nvim
opts extensions
table inside
(configuration examples).
Option | Type | Description |
lazy_config |
string |
Path to the lua file containing the lazy.nvim plugins and/or opts passed to the require("lazy").setup(...) call. This is the first-level imported file and the one you would be directed by searching lazy.nvim . Should be set if the lazy.nvim config file path differs from the defaults. |
name_only |
boolean |
Match only the repository name. Set to false to match the full account/repo_name . |
show_disabled |
boolean |
Also show disabled plugins from the Lazy spec. |
auto_rescan |
boolean |
Automatically rescans and rebuilds the spec list if Lazy detects a change in the config (the rebuild occurs when the picker is reopened). |
ignore_imports |
table |
Array-like string table with modules to ignore. Useful for config distributions like LazyVim to avoid importing the inner configurations, e.g., { "lazyvim.plugins" } . |
picker_opts |
table |
Telescope layout options passed to the picker. Check :h telescope.layout . |
mappings |
table |
Keymaps attached to the picker. See :h telescope.mappings . Also, 'Custom Actions' could be added. |
live_grep |
table |
Custom options to be used by the live_grep picker action (<C-g>l ). See :h telescope.builtin.live_grep . |
actions.opts_viewer |
string |
Where to open the selected plugin configuration options. Could be float or tab (defaults to float ). |
custom_entries |
table |
A collection of custom entries to add into the picker. See the 'Custom Entries' section. |
In next table, the lp_actions
column refers to the name of the action function
provided by the module telescope-lazy-plugins.actions
, accessible via:
Insert mode | Normal mode | lp_actions | Description |
<CR> |
<CR> |
open |
Open the selected plugin config file at the first line of the plugin spec. |
<C-g>d |
gd |
open_repo_dir |
Open the local clone folder of the plugin repository. |
<C-g>f |
gf |
open_repo_find_files |
Open a Telescope find_files picker at the repository local clone directory path. |
<C-g>l |
gl |
open_repo_live_grep |
Open a Telescope live_grep picker at the repository local clone directory path. |
<C-g>r |
gr |
open_readme |
Open the selected plugin README file. |
<C-g>c |
gc |
open_plugin_opts |
Open the selected plugin generated options from all spec fragments. |
<C-g>x |
gx |
open_repo_url |
Open the plugin repository url in the default web browser. |
<C-g>R |
gR |
rescan_plugins |
Manually rescans the plugins config spec and rebuild the generated list. |
custom_action |
A wrapper helper to use custom actions. See the 'Custom Actions' section. |
Click to see the configuration spec
---@class TelescopeLazyPluginsUserConfig
---@field lazy_config? string Path to the file containing the lazy opts and setup() call.
---@field mappings? table Keymaps attached to the picker. See `:h telescope.mappings`.
---@field name_only? boolean Match only the `repo_name`, false to match the full `account/repo_name`.
---@field picker_opts? table Layout options passed into Telescope. Check `:h telescope.layout`.
---@field show_disabled? boolean Also show disabled plugins from the Lazy spec.
---@field auto_rescan? boolean Automatic rescan and rebuild the spec list if Lazy detects a change in the config.
---@field custom_entries? (LazyPluginsCustomEntry|LazyPluginsData)[] Table to pass custom entries to the picker.
---@field live_grep? table Options to pass into the `live_grep` telescope builtin picker.
---@field ignore_imports? string[]|table<string, boolean> Array of imports to ignore.
---@field actions? LazyPluginsConfigActions Actions options.
---@class LazyPluginsConfigActions
---@field opts_viewer? LazyPluginsActionOptsViewer
---@alias LazyPluginsDataField
--- | "name" Name of the plugin showed in the picker
--- | "full_name" Full name of the plugin repository (account/repo)
--- | "filepath" Full file path to the plugin lua configuration
--- | "line" Line number of the plugin definition in the lua file
--- | "repo_url" Url to the repo
--- | "repo_dir" Path to the local repository clone
--- | "file" Path to the config filename showed in the picker
---@alias LazyPluginsConfigViewer
--- | "float" Default. Open the plugin config in a float window.
--- | "tab" Open the plugin config in a new tab.
lazy_config = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/config/lazy.lua", -- This must be a valid path to the file containing the lazy opts and setup() call.
name_only = true, -- Match only the `repo_name`, false to match the full `account/repo_name`.
show_disabled = true, -- Also show disabled plugins from the Lazy spec.
auto_rescan = true, -- Automatic rescan and rebuild the spec list if lazy detects a change in the config.
custom_entries = {}, -- Table to pass custom entries to the picker.
live_grep = {}, -- Options to pass into the `live_grep` telescope builtin picker.
ignore_imports = {}, -- Add imports you want to ignore, e.g., "lazyvim.plugins".
actions = {
opts_viewer = "float", -- How to open the generated plugin options.
mappings = {
["i"] = {
["<C-g>d"] = lp_actions.open_repo_dir,
["<C-g>f"] = lp_actions.open_repo_find_files,
["<C-g>l"] = lp_actions.open_repo_live_grep,
["<C-g>c"] = lp_actions.open_plugin_opts,
["<C-g>r"] = lp_actions.open_plugin_readme,
["<C-g>x"] = lp_actions.open_repo_url,
["<C-g>R"] = lp_actions.rescan_plugins,
["n"] = {
["gd"] = lp_actions.open_repo_dir,
["gf"] = lp_actions.open_repo_find_files,
["gl"] = lp_actions.open_repo_live_grep,
["gc"] = lp_actions.open_plugin_opts,
["gr"] = lp_actions.open_plugin_readme,
["gx"] = lp_actions.open_repo_url,
["gR"] = lp_actions.rescan_plugins,
picker_opts = {
sorting_strategy = "ascending",
layout_strategy = "flex",
layout_config = {
flex = { flip_columns = 150 },
horizontal = { preview_width = { 0.55, max = 100, min = 30 } },
vertical = { preview_cutoff = 20, preview_height = 0.5 },
cmd = "Telescope",
dependencies = {
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
keys = {
{ "<leader>cp", "<Cmd>Telescope lazy_plugins<CR>", desc = "Telescope: Plugins configurations" },
opts = {
extensions = {
---@module "telescope._extensions.lazy_plugins"
---@type TelescopeLazyPluginsUserConfig
lazy_plugins = {
lazy_config = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/lazy/init.lua", -- Must be a valid path to the file containing the lazy spec and setup() call.
-- etc.
Lazy-loading Telescope extensions could be a little tricky. This approach
creates a user auto command that checks when the telescope.nvim
plugin is
loaded and then executes the load_extension
function (Could be used with any
Telescope extension).
Click to see the configuration example
Lazy loader utility function:
local load_extension_after_telescope_is_loaded = function(extension_name)
local lazy_cfg = require("lazy.core.config").plugins
if lazy_cfg["telescope.nvim"] and lazy_cfg["telescope.nvim"]._.loaded then
-- Since Telescope is loaded, just load the extension:
-- If Telescope is not loaded, create an autocmd that will load the
-- extension after Telescope is loaded.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "LazyLoad",
callback = function(event)
if event.data == "telescope.nvim" then
return true
return {
cmd = "Telescope",
dependencies = {
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
init = function()
keys = {
{"<leader>cp", "<Cmd>Telescope lazy_plugins<CR>", desc = "Telescope: Plugins configurations"},
-- Add the plugin configuration through the Telescope extensions options:
opts = {
extensions = {
---@module "telescope._extensions.lazy_plugins"
---@type TelescopeLazyPluginsUserConfig
lazy_plugins = {
show_disabled = true,
lazy_config = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/config/lazy.lua", -- path to the file containing the lazy opts and setup() call.
-- This is not needed. It is just an example of how you can customize the picker layout. Check `:h telescope.layout`.
picker_opts = {
layout_strategy = "vertical",
layout_config = {
vertical = { preview_cutoff = 15, preview_height = 0.5 },
-- This is not needed. It is just an example of how you can add custom entries.
custom_entries = {
name = "custom-entry-example",
filepath = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/config/mappings.lua",
repo_url = "https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/",
line = 23, -- Open the file with the cursor in this line
-- etc.
If your plugins are inside a large table passed directly to the
require('lazy').setup({...}, opts)
call, make sure to set the lazy_config
option to specify the file where the spec table is defined. For example, for
configurations in a single init.lua
Click to see the configuration example
-- Content of file: ~/.conf/nvim/init.lua
local opts = {
-- Lazy configuration options
-- full list of plugins and configs like this:
opts = {
configurations = "custom values",
-- etc.
dependencies = {
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
{ "polirritmico/telescope-lazy-plugins.nvim" },
opts = {
extensions = {
---@module "telescope._extensions.lazy_plugins"
---@type TelescopeLazyPluginsUserConfig
lazy_plugins = {
-- Set the path of this file (~/.config/nvim/init.lua) into the `lazy_config` field:
lazy_config = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/init.lua"
}, opts)
The plugin also offer the possibility to add and define your custom actions to
the picker through custom_action
and helper functions.
Click to see the functions details
Helper Functions:
- append_to_telescope_history:
Append the search to the Telescope history, allowing it to be reopened with
:Telescope resume
Inputs/Output | Type | Description |
prompt_bufnr |
integer | Telescope prompt buffer value |
return: output |
nil |
- custom_action:
A wrapper function to use custom actions. This function get and validates the
selected entry field, executes the passed custom_function
in a protected call
and returns its output.
Inputs/Output | Type | Description |
prompt_bufnr |
integer | Telescope prompt buffer value |
field |
string | Field of the LazyPluginsData to validate the selected entry (before the custom_function call). Check the 'Custom Entries' section for details on the entry field. |
custom_function |
function | Custom function to execute, e.g., foo(bufnr, entry, custom_args) . Check the custom action example. |
args |
table? | Custom args if needed. |
return: output |
any | The output of the custom_function, nil or the error object from pcall. |
Click to see a custom action example
This example shows a message that displays the repository local clone path of the selected plugin entry.
Use custom_action
to access the selected entry and execute a custom function:
--- The example function
---@param bufnr integer passed by the telescope mapping execution call
---@param entry LazyPluginsData passed inside `custom_action`
---@param custom_args {foo: string} If needed custom_args could be added in a table
local function demo_custom_function(bufnr, entry, custom_args)
-- (require telescope inside the function call to not trigger a lazy load when
-- parsing the config)
local lp_actions = require("telescope").extensions.lazy_plugins.actions
local arguments = custom_args.foo -- access values from the custom_args
local repository_dir = entry.repo_dir -- access values from the selected picker entry
local message = string.format("%s%s", arguments, repository_dir)
-- Use the provided helper builtin functions:
lp_actions.append_to_telescope_history(bufnr) -- Used by `:Telescope resume` and others.
-- etc.
Then add it to a map action:
--- Inside the lazy_plugins config
lazy_plugins = {
mappings = {
["i"] = {
["<C-g>d"] = function(prompt_bufnr)
local args = { foo = "Plugin path from the selected entry.repo_dir: " }
"repo_dir", -- This is used to validate the entry. Could be any field of LazyPluginsData (name, full_name, filepath, line, repo_url or repo_dir).
Custom entries could be added into the custom_entries
field in the options.
Should follow this specs:
---@class LazyPluginsCustomEntry
---@field name string Entry name
---@field filepath string Full path to the lua target file
---@field line? integer Optional: Line number to set the view on the target file. Defaults to 1.
---@field repo_url? string Optional: URL to open with the `open_repo_url` action
---@field repo_dir? string Optional: Directory path to open with the `open_repo_dir` action
--- Custom entry example:
lazy_plugins = {
custom_entries = {
name = "custom-entry",
filepath = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/extra-options/somefile.lua",
-- Optional:
line = 42,
repo_url = "https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/",
repo_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/extra-options/",
-- etc.
This are the highlights defined by Telescope Lazy Plugins:
Highlight group | Defaults to | Description |
TelescopeLazyPlugins | Normal | Plugin name |
TelescopeLazyPluginsFile | Comment | Module file with the config spec |
TelescopeLazyPluginsEnabled | Function | Enabled plugin icon |
TelescopeLazyPluginsDisabled | Delimiter | Disabled plugin icon |
This plugin is made mainly for my personal use, but suggestions, issues, or pull requests are very welcome.