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🐍 Proof-of-concept python IRC botnet for orchestrating macOS computers (harmless due to SIP & Gatekeeper)

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Mesh-Networking Demonstration: IRC Botnet App (Mac)

This is an educational demo project used to teach security concepts to programming beginners:

  • what are trojans and how are they built
  • what are worms and how are they built
  • what makes a botnet & networked viruses in general
  • command and control via IRC
  • modular exploit design
  • safe self-updating

This repo demonstrates simple intrusion and virus building concepts introduced in the book "Violent Python", to be run on the test bed provided by mesh-networking. The book is a a funny overview of Python & system security by a US Military Paratrooper, and I highly recommend checking it out. This is an ideal demonstration of the mesh-networking project because it needs a large, organic, networked app to show off its true capability.

It would be incredibly difficult to install or get away with using this for malicious purposes in the real world. It makes no attempts to shield communications or evade filesystem detection in any way because the mesh-networking hosts are not adversarial and do not have any of the protection measures like SIP or Gatekeeper.

This is not a "real"/malicious botnet that you can use off-the-shelf, it's just an educational example of of a botnet-style program that can run on the mesh-networking network simulation library.

Book: "Violent Python" by TJ O'Connor, who is a Department of Defense expert on information security and a US Army paratrooper.
Modules: Violent-Python-Examples

Developer Install:

git clone
cd python-medusa
# change `source_checking_enabled` to False, or change `thesquash` to the IRC username you wish to control the bot with
# Log into your test IRC channel on and type a command (e.g. `!status`)


  1. Open
  2. Run this command to kill the bot:
sudo kill `ps -ax|grep -v grep|grep|head -1|awk '{print $1}'`
  1. Remove its runtime files, logs, and boot persistence with the following:
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/sys.daemon.connectd.plist
sudo rm -Rf /var/softupdated
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/sys.daemon.connectd.plist
sudo kill `ps -ax|grep -v grep|grep|head -1|awk '{print $1}'`


2015 -- MIT License

After reading a book on hacking techniques in Python, I was inspired to write a botnet that I could use to help manage my parent's computers remotely when they asked for tech support. I followed along while reading the book and implemented some of the more fun modules (such as scanning Skype message logs and network traffic for credit card numbers), and so I decided to open source it and use it as a project, (and no... of course it's not running on my parents computers, nice try). I only run this on VMs for my mesh-networking project, and it's highly inneffective in the real world, there are plenty of better open source botnets out there. That being said, it is open source, and I am not responsible for anyone who has copied the (already freely available in the book) exploit code and used it for evil purposes.

For my mesh-networking project, this botnet communicates over all network interfaces in a test subnet, forming its own internally routed network by finding the minimum spanning trees between infected nodes. I can then visualize its growth and use the botnet code to run arbitrary programs for testing on all the network simulated nodes.


1. Trojan impersonates Google Chrome and unwitting victim types in their password:*

2. Bot installs installs itself with boot hook and connects to the C&C IRC channel:

3. Host can be controlled by sending a privmsg to the bot:

4. Bots can be controlled en-masse by sending commands to the whole C&C channel:

* I removed the Google Chrome trojan from Github because I don't want script kiddies finding this and attempting to use it on people.

Development Guide:

  1. Install the Github App or GitUp for an easy GUI
  2. Pick a folder to store your code in
  3. Download the source to that folder:
cd ~/Desktop/
git clone
cd python-medusa
  1. To run it and debug, do the following:
sudo ./

# or if you dont trust random scripts off the internet (you shouldn't)
python & tail -f bot_v*.log
  • Listen to badass music, you're a real hacker now!
  • Pick a good editor like Sublime Text 3
  • Save & run regularly to avoid writing a lot of code before finding out it's broken
  • Check to make sure your code works, by running it in terminal with python &
  • There is great documentation on Python all over the web:
  • Read the book this project is based on, it's very interesting and is geared towards beginners with little python or pentesting experience: Violent Python

How to use Git

Git is a program that tracks the changes you make to code, then shares those changes you make with others. A collection of code in one folder is called a "repository" (repo for short). Groups of changes are put together to make a "commit". You can view a history of all the commits made using git log.

Editing locally

  1. Edit the code you want to edit, save it, test it, fix it, save it
  2. go to terminal, cd to the the folder with our code, then run git status to see what you changed, alternatively, use the GUI downloadable from
  3. Make a commit of all your changes by running git commit -a -m "i did this, this, and this" in the quotes is a short message describing changes you made so others can see

Sharing your edits

After you've made all the commits you want, push them to the

  1. git remote update to make sure your local code is up to date
  2. git pull --rebase to update your code if it isnt up to date
  3. git push origin master to push your code


🐍 Proof-of-concept python IRC botnet for orchestrating macOS computers (harmless due to SIP & Gatekeeper)







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