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With webly you can build clj/cljs web apps (server: clj, frontend: reagent/reframe)
webly uses great tools such as: reagent, reframe, tailwind-css, shadow-cljs
webly brings a things that can be hard to configure (or repetitive) when you develop a web app such as:
- unit test runner
- routing (via edn config), extensible both in frontend and backend
- keybindings
- loading animation
- notifications and dialogs
webly is used in Goldly.
Clone this repo and run:
cd demo-webly
clj -X:webly:npm-install
clj -X:webly:compile
clj -X:webly:run
clj -X:webly:run:watch
The demo runs a webserver on port 8080.
A simple demo is on Webly Github Pages
- dynamically generated app html that works with csrf
- ring middleware for api calls
- routing with bidi (this allows to have links within the web-app)
- this means a registry for ring-handlers and reagent-views
- this feature is available for apps that use webly
- compiles/watches via shadow-cljs
- does not require shadow-cljs.edn
- bundle-size report at compile time
To start webly you have to pass it two parameter: profile and config
Webly profile can be one of the following strings:
- watch: builds and runs shadow dev server (shadow-cljs watch)
- compile: builds bundle and output bundle stats
- release: builds release bundle (for production) no tenx. no source-maps bundle stats
- jetty: runs app, with bundle compiled via compile or release
- ci: builds bundle for unit tests
- npm-install: just installs npm dependencies (based on deps.cljs)
Webly config:
- is a clojure datastructure
- is used in backend (clj) and frontend (cljs)
- can be passed as a string (link to a edn file or resource) - mandatory if webly is used in a leiningen project
- can be passed as a clojure datastructure - for quicker configuration in deps.edn projects.
- keep your npm depeendencies only in deps.cljs
- do NOT create a package.json file!
- package.json will be auto generated
Add npm dependencies that you want to use into a clojure deps.cljs
{; font awesome
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free" "^5.13.0"
Sometimes github repo and npm module do not match. Check this to see what goes on: https://unpkg.com/@ricokahler/[email protected]/index.js
- clj
bb test-clj
- cljs:
bb test-cljs
cd demo-webly
clj -X:webly:compile or clojure -X:webly:release-adv
clj -X:webly:static
cp node_modules/@icon .gorilla/static/index_files -r