Mantis is an open-source swift library that provides rich cropping interactions for your iOS/Mac app.
Mantis also provide rich crop shapes from the basic circle/square to polygon to arbitrary paths(We even provide a heart shape ❤️ 😏).
- iOS 11.0+
- MacOS 10.15+
- Xcode 10.0+
pod 'Mantis', '~> 1.7.1'
github "guoyingtao/Mantis"
Swift Packages
- Respository:
- Rules: Version - Exact - 1.6.2
- Create a cropViewController in Mantis with default config and default mode
You need set (cropViewController or its navigation controller).modalPresentationStyle = .fullscreen for iOS 13+ when the cropViewController is presented
let cropViewController = Mantis.cropViewController(image: <Your Image>)
cropViewController.delegate = self
<Your ViewController>.present(cropViewController, animated: true)
- The caller needs to conform CropViewControllerDelegate
public protocol CropViewControllerDelegate: class {
func cropViewControllerDidCrop(_ cropViewController: CropViewController, cropped: UIImage, transformation: Transformation)
func cropViewControllerDidCancel(_ cropViewController: CropViewController, original: UIImage)
// The implementaion of the following functions are optional
func cropViewControllerDidFailToCrop(_ cropViewController: CropViewController, original: UIImage)
func cropViewControllerDidBeginResize(_ cropViewController: CropViewController)
func cropViewControllerDidEndResize(_ cropViewController: CropViewController, original: UIImage, cropInfo: CropInfo)
UI mode
CropViewController has two modes:
- normal mode
In normal mode, you can use a set of standard CropViewController photo editing features.
let cropViewController = Mantis.cropViewController(image: <Your Image>)
- customizable mode
This mode includes the standard cropping feature, while enabling users to customize other edit features.
let cropViewController = Mantis.cropCustomizableViewController(image: <Your Image>)
Add your own ratio
// Add a custom ratio 1:2 for portrait orientation
let config = Mantis.Config()
config.addCustomRatio(byVerticalWidth: 1, andVerticalHeight: 2)
<Your Crop ViewController> = Mantis.cropViewController(image: <Your Image>, config: config)
// Set the ratioOptions of the config if you don't want to keep all default ratios
let config = Mantis.Config()
//config.ratioOptions = [.original, .square, .custom]
config.ratioOptions = [.custom]
config.addCustomRatio(byVerticalWidth: 1, andVerticalHeight: 2)
<Your Crop ViewController> = Mantis.cropViewController(image: <Your Image>, config: config)
- If you always want to use only one fixed ratio, set Mantis.Config.presetFixedRatioType = alwaysUsingOnePresetFixedRatio
<Your Crop ViewController>.config.presetFixedRatioType = .alwaysUsingOnePresetFixedRatio(ratio: 16.0 / 9.0)
When choose alwaysUsingOnePresetFixedRatio, fixed-ratio setting button does not show.
- If you want to hide rotation dial, set Mantis.Config.showRotationDial = false
- If you want to use ratio list instead of presenter, set Mantis.CropToolbarConfig.ratioCandidatesShowType = .alwaysShowRatioList
public enum RatioCandidatesShowType {
case presentRatioList
case alwaysShowRatioList
- If you build your custom toolbar you can add your own fixed ratio buttons
// set a custom fixed ratio
cropToolbarDelegate?.didSelectRatio(ratio: 9 / 16)
Crop shapes
- If you want to set different crop shape, set Mantis.Config.cropShapeType
public enum CropShapeType {
case rect
case square
case ellipse
case circle(maskOnly: Bool = false)
case diamond(maskOnly: Bool = false)
case heart(maskOnly: Bool = false)
case polygon(sides: Int, offset: CGFloat = 0, maskOnly: Bool = false)
case path(points: [CGPoint], maskOnly: Bool = false)
Preset transformations
- If you want to apply transformations when showing an image, set Mantis.Config.presetTransformationType
public enum PresetTransformationType {
case none
case presetInfo(info: Transformation)
case presetNormalizedInfo(normailizedInfo: CGRect)
Please use the transformation infomation obtained previously from delegate method cropViewControllerDidCrop(_ cropViewController: CropViewController, cropped: UIImage, transformation: Transformation).
Mantis provide two demo projects
- MantisExample (using Storyboard)
- MantisSwiftUIExample (using SwiftUI)
- The crop are strongly inspired by TOCropViewController
- The rotation feature is inspired by IGRPhotoTweaks
- The rotation dial is inspired by 10clock
- Thanks Leo Dabus for helping me to solve the problem of cropping an ellipse image with transparent background