Usage: [--no-highlight] <file.mrc> [--output <output.mrc>]
-n --no-highlight do not highlight console output
-o --output <file> output identified records to file
-h --help show this text
-v --version print program version
Inspired by Noah Geraci's talk at Code4Lib 2019, Programmatic approaches to bias in descriptive metadata, here's a case study in using the mrs tool to analyze MARC metadata. The script looks for instances of personal names with the structure "Mrs. [male first name] [last name]," such as "Mrs. Ralph Mayer", then prints the MARC field with the name highlighted.
The scripts runs really slowly because it runs every MARC field through analysis so that potential problems can be highlighted in context of the field where they occur. It'd be much quicker to concatenate the text of all fields and then parse that record-level text.
Requires Python 3.
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm #