Tags: paxapos/fiscalberry
Toggle v1.0.25's commit message
Improve EscPComandos action handling and enhance printTexto method fo…
…r better parameter support
Toggle v1.0.24's commit message
Update Dockerfile to download specific version of fiscalberry and ens…
…ure float handling in EscPComandos
Toggle v1.0.23's commit message
Add Dockerfile for standalone deployment and import traceback for err…
…or handling
Toggle v1.0.20's commit message
Convert 'port' in driverOps to integer for Network driver compatibility
Toggle v1.0.19's commit message
Simplify GitHub Actions workflow trigger to run on all push events
Toggle v1.0.18's commit message
Update release tag to v1.0.18 and adjust text alignment in EscPComandos
Toggle v1.0.17's commit message
Update release tag to v1.0.17 and improve total printing format in Es…
Toggle v1.0.16's commit message
Update release tag to v1.0.16 and enhance formatting in EscPComandos
Toggle v1.0.15's commit message
Update release tag to v1.0.15 and enhance printer settings in EscPCom…
Toggle v1.0.14's commit message
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:paxapos/fiscalberry
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