Hi, I'm Panus Kotrajarus!, a passionate self-taught Full Stack Web Developer 🚀 from Thailand.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- I'm a Student in School of Technology at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
- I'm Studying Information Technology.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Express
- 💬 Ask me about Laravel , PHP , Nestjs , Golang fiber , Adonis
- Panus Kotrajarus
Languages and Tools:
const panus = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "Python", "Java", "php"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "app dev", "photography"],
technologies: {
mobileApp: ["Flutter"],
frontEnd: {
js: ["Vue", "Nuxt","React"],
css: ["materialize", "vuetify", "bootstrap","tailwind"]
backEnd: {
php : ["laravel"]
js: ["node", "express", "vanilla","adonis","nestjs"],
java : ["servlet","spring boot"],
golang : ["fiber"]
devOps: ["AWS", "Google Cloud", "Docker🐳", "Docker-Swarm", "Nginx","K8s","Redhat Openshift"],
databases: ["mongo", "MySql", "mariaDB","PostgreSQL"],
misc: ["Firebase", "Socket.IO", "selenium", "open-cv", "php", "SuiteApp"]
architecture: ["Serverless Architecture", "Progressive web applications", "Single page applications"],
currentFocus: "Comptetive Programming using C++",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"
Laravel |
Nuxt.JS |
Vue |
Ant design |
Visual Studio Code |
Git |
Postman |
React |
PostgreSQL |
MariaDB |
MongoDB |
Express |
Java |
php |
Docker |
Tailwind Css |
- 💻 Window 10 / Ubuntu On Wsl / Mac OS m1
- 🍺 PHP Laravel / Express / PHP Swoole / Vue.js* / Nest.js / Adonis.js / golang / Strapi
- 🐋 Docker / Docker Compose / k8s / Redhat openshift / Github actions
- 📋 Project Manager