Comfortable interface for working with taxi service api
import YandexTaxiSyntax._
implicit val cfg = YandexTaxiSyntax.Cfg(clid="", apiKey="")
implicit val yandexTaxiApi = new YandexTaxiApiHttp4s[IO](client)
val user = Coord(56.841099f, 60.659566f)
val cinema = Coord(56.837791f, 60.598800f)
for {
taxiInfo <- (user to cinema).request(Econom)
rideOpt = taxiInfo
.find(_.className == Econom)
replyToUser =
"No econom tariffs for your path at current moment"
)(ride =>
|Taxi arrives in ${ride.waitingTime.getOrElse("unknown")} seconds
|Route will take ${taxiInfo.timeText.getOrElse("unknown")}
|Price: ${ride.priceText}
} yield ()
could be any http4s backend (blaze
, okhttp
, finagle
, etc)