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Package version CLI tool

Light weight tool written in bash for managing package versions in a semver manner.



$ npm install --save-dev @orbit-online/package-version
or Yarn
$ npm install -D @orbit-online/package-version

Now add a script to package.json file like this for easy access:

    "name": "myapp",
    "scripts": {
        "package-version": "package-version"

The package-version tool can now be access using npm or Yarn respectively:

$ npm run package-version --help
$ yarn package-version --help

Alternatively you could install a task runner like @orbit-online/create-task-runner that understands node_modules binaries and makes your own local scripts / tools easily accessible, under a common unified namespace.


Command line help text. `$ package-version --help`
Utility to guide semver versioning of software packages.

  package-version [options] (major|minor|patch) [alpha|beta|rc] [PACKAGE]
  package-version [options] (alpha|beta|rc) [PACKAGE]
  package-version [options] release [PACKAGE]
  package-version [options] [PACKAGE]

  --push          Push changes after commit and tagging.
  -n --dry-run    Displaying what would happen without doing any actual changes,
                  bypassing dirty checks as well.
  -q --quiet      Don't report anything but errors
                  and remove the package name prefix when displaying the current version.
  -s --silent     Total silence, rely solely on exit code

  major           Bump the package to the next major version.
  minor           Bump the package to the next minor version.
  patch           Bump the package to the next patch version.
  alpha           Bump the package to the next alpha pre-release version,
                  if the pacakge is not currently in pre-release an error is returned.
  beta            Bump the package to the next beta pre-release version,
                  if the pacakge is not currently in pre-release an error is returned.
  rc              Bump the package to the next rc pre-release version,
                  if the pacakge is not currently in pre-release an error is returned.
  release         Release the non-pre-release version of the pacakge,
                  if the package is not currently in pre-release an error is returned.

  alpha           Add alpha pre-release suffix to the version bump
  beta            Add beta pre-release suffix to the version bump
  rc              Add rc pre-release suffix to the version bump

  <NONE>          Assumes the package to manimulate / query version for
                  lives in the root of PROJECT_PATH or PROJECT_PATH/package.
  PACKAGE         When PACKAGE is provided the name corresponds to a directory name,
                  with a VERSION file that lives within.
                  Per default packages are searched for in PROJECT_PATH/packages,
                  this behavior can be modified by providing the PACKAGE_VERSION_PATH environment variable.

  Bump package from alpha to beta version.
    $ package-version beta                         (e.g. 1.2.5-alpha.4 -> 1.2.5-beta.1)

  Bump rc of a package already in rc pre-release.
    $ package-version rc                           (e.g. 1.2.6-rc.2 -> 1.2.6-rc.3)

  Bump minor version as an alpha pre-release.
    $ package-version minor alpha                  (e.g. 1.2.7 -> 1.3.0-alpha.1)

  Bump major version of the package.
    $ package-version major                        (e.g. 1.2.8 -> 2.0.0)

Get current version of root package

Retrieving current version of the project (reading from the VERSION file of the package).

Consider the following filesystem structures:

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.0.3-beta.2)
 |- VERSION (content: 1.0.3-beta.2)


$ npm run package-version
my-project: 1.0.3-beta.2
$ npm run package-version 2> /dev/null
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version
my-project: 1.0.3-beta.2
$ yarn package-version 2> /dev/nul

Get current version of named package (multiple packages)

Retrieving current version of a named package.

Consider the following filesystem structure:

  |- packages/
    |- create-my-project/
      |- VERSION (content: 1.6.2)
    |- my-project/
      |- VERSION (content: 3.1.4)


$ npm run package-version create-my-project
create-my-project: 1.6.1
$ npm run package-version create-my-project 2> /dev/null
$ npm run package-version my-project
my-project: 3.1.4
$ npm run package-version my-project 2> /dev/null
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version create-my-project
create-my-project: 1.6.1
$ yarn package-version create-my-project 2> /dev/null
$ yarn package-version my-project
my-project: 3.1.4
$ yarn package-version my-project 2> /dev/null

Bump patch version

Bump package to next patch version.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3)


$ npm run package-version patch
Bumped the version of my-project from 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
Wrote the changes back to the VERSION file and committed the changes in git.

MSG: Release: v1.2.4
TAG: v1.2.4

Don't forget to push both the branch and the tag e.g. by running:

$ git push && git push --tags
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version patch
Bumped the version of my-project from 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
Wrote the changes back to the VERSION file and committed the changes in git.

MSG: Release: v1.2.4
TAG: v1.2.4

Don't forget to push both the branch and the tag e.g. by running:

$ git push && git push --tags

Bump minor version

Bump package to next minor version.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3)


$ npm run package-version minor
Bumped the version of my-project from 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0
Wrote the changes back to the VERSION file and committed the changes in git.

MSG: Release: v1.3.0
TAG: v1.3.0

Don't forget to push both the branch and the tag e.g. by running:

$ git push && git push --tags
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version minor
Bumped the version of my-project from 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0
Wrote the changes back to the VERSION file and committed the changes in git.

MSG: Release: v1.3.0
TAG: v1.3.0

Don't forget to push both the branch and the tag e.g. by running:

$ git push && git push --tags

Bump major version

Bump package to next major version.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3)


$ npm run package-version major
Bumped the version of my-project from 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0
Wrote the changes back to the VERSION file and committed the changes in git.

MSG: Release: v2.0.0
TAG: v2.0.0

Don't forget to push both the branch and the tag e.g. by running:

$ git push && git push --tags
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version major
Bumped the version of my-project from 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0
Wrote the changes back to the VERSION file and committed the changes in git.

MSG: Release: v2.0.0
TAG: v2.0.0

Don't forget to push both the branch and the tag e.g. by running:

$ git push && git push --tags

Pre release

Bump alpha

Bump package to next alpha version.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3-alpha.1)


$ npm run package-version alpha
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-alpha.1 -> 1.2.3-alpha.2
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version alpha
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-alpha.1 -> 1.2.3-alpha.2
Error: Cannot bump from non pre-release to an alpha version without version bump
 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.0.0)
$ npm run package-version alpha
Cannot bump alpha pre-release from a non-pre-release without bumping version number as well.
e.g. by running:
package-version minor alpha
Error: Only bumping to same or higher version suffix order is allowed
 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.0.0-beta.2)
$ npm run package-version alpha
Cannot bump pre-release from beta to alpha
Only bumping to same or higher version suffix order is allowed.

Bump beta

Bump package to next beta version.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3-alpha.3)


$ npm run package-version beta
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-alpha.3 -> 1.2.3-beta.1
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version beta
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-alpha.3 -> 1.2.3-beta.1
Error: Cannot bump from non pre-release to an beta version without version bump
 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.0.0)
$ npm run package-version beta
Cannot bump beta pre-release from a non-pre-release without bumping version number as well.
e.g. by running:
package-version minor beta
Error: Only bumping to same or higher version suffix order is allowed
 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.0.0-rc.1)
$ npm run package-version beta
Cannot bump pre-release from rc to beta
Only bumping to same or higher version suffix order is allowed.

Bump RC

Bump package to next beta version.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3-beta.2)


$ npm run package-version rc
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-beta.2 -> 1.2.3-rc.1
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version rc
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-beta.2 -> 1.2.3-rc.1
Error: Cannot bump from non pre-release to an rc version without version bump
 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.0.0)
$ npm run package-version rc
Cannot bump rc pre-release from a non-pre-release without bumping version number as well.
e.g. by running:
package-version minor rc

Release from pre-release

Stripping the pre-release suffix.

 |- package/
   |- VERSION (content: 1.2.3-rc.2)


$ npm run package-version release
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-rc.2 -> 1.2.3
or Yarn
$ yarn package-version release
Bumped the version of package-version from 1.2.3-rc.2 -> 1.2.3


Environment variable Default value Description
PROJECT_PATH "" The variable controls what the package-version executable considers the root path of the project, all relative paths interpreted of this tool will resolve them from the the root path.
PACKAGE_VERSION_PATH $PROJECT_PATH: $PROJECT_PATH/package: $PROJECT_PATH/packages A variable controlling search paths for VERSION files delimited by a : in same manner as the global PATH environment variable.