Tags: onelson/jq-rs
Breaking Changes - Renamed crate from `json-query` to `jq-rs` (#12). - Adopted 2018 edition. The minimum supported rust version is now **1.32** (#14). - Output from jq programs now includes a trailing newline, just like the output from the `jq` binary (#6). - Added custom `Error` and `Result` types, returned from fallible functions/methods in this crate (#8).
Bugfix, and final release as `json-query`. This is final release with the name `json-query`. Future releases will be published as jq-rs. Bugfixes - Fixed issue where newlines in output were not being preserved correctly ([#3]). - Resolved a memory error which could cause a crash when running a jq program which could attempt to access missing fields on an object ([#4]). - Fixed some memory leaks which could occur during processing ([#10]).