A Spring Boot application configured to run on OSv.
You need to have Capstan installed on your computer.
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
export CAPSTAN_QEMU_PATH=`which qemu-system-x86_64`
The build command creates a virtual machine running on Virtual Box.
If you modify Capstanfile, you will need rebuild the image with the following command:
capstan build -p 'vbox' -v
To launch the application under VirtualBox use the following command:
capstan run -p 'vbox' -f '8080:8080' -f '9090:9090' -v
To run the service use the following command:
curl http://localhost:8080/greeting?name=Odaceo
To check the application's health use the following command:
curl http://localhost:9090/health
First, build the disk image for KVM using the following command:
capstan build -p 'qemu' -v
To convert the disk image into a RAW format use the following command:
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw ~/.capstan/repository/lab-unikernel-osv-spring-boot/lab-unikernel-osv-spring-boot.qemu lab-unikernel-osv-spring-boot.raw
Sign into your CloudSigma account and create a new disk using the previously created RAW image.
Create a new machine with sufficient resources. Typically 1GHz of CPU and 256MB of RAM are more than enough.
Start the machine.
Now that the virtual machine is running, go to the OSv dashboard:
Replace public-ip
with the public IP to get access to the service and the service health status page.
Issues can be reported at https://github.com/odaceo/lab-unikernel-osv-spring-boot/issues
The source code is available at https://github.com/odaceo/lab-unikernel-osv-spring-boot
All the source code is distributed under ASL 2.0.
© 2015 Odaceo. All rights reserved.