A VuePress theme made for blog
This project is under active development. Any feedback or contributions would be appreciated
First of all, your need to have a VuePress project. Your can follow VuePress's official guide to create one. Then you can use one of the following commands to install this theme.
yarn add vuepress-theme-blogue
// or
npm install vuepress-theme-blogue
Edit .vuepress/config.js
to configure this theme. Below is the default configuration.
module.exports = {
title: "Project Blogue",
themeConfig: {
avatarImage: "https://ws2.sinaimg.cn/large/006tKfTcgy1ftrhghh2cgj3074074dfp.jpg",
blogPluginConfig: {
comment: {
// Which service you'd like to use
service: 'disqus',
// The owner's name of repository to store the issues and comments.
shortname: 'ocavue.com',
: Your blog's title, will be displayed in the toolbar/navbaravatarImage
: URL string for avatar, will be displayed in the drawer/sidebar.blogPluginConfig
: Any extra configuration for vuepress-plugin-blog
For every markdown file in your VuePress project, you need a front matter on top of the file. The example below uses YAML front matter but other languages are supported too.
title: My first blog
date: 2018-07-01
image: https://ws1.sinaimg.cn/large/006tNc79ly1fsxfr3d6eij31kw11x4qq.jpg
tags: ["blog", "markdown"]
hide: false
(required, string): Your post's title. vuepress-theme-blogue will NOT find H1 title inside your markdown file.date
(required, date): Your post's date. Your need to use YYYY-MM-DD format. vuepress-theme-blogue use post's date to sort, so this field is required.image
(optional, string): Your post's cover image URL.tags
(optional, list): Your post's tags.hide
(optional, boolean): Hide this post in the homepage.
Your will need README.md and about.md in your docs directory. These two posts will not be displayed on the home page.
use @vuepress/plugin-blog
to provide comment. Check its document for more details.
See https://github.com/ocavue/vuepress-theme-blogue/tree/master/example
- Update vuepress to 1.0
- Tags
- Comments
- Configurable
- Customizable sidebar