Releases: nno/burstiDAtor
Releases · nno/burstiDAtor
burstiDAtor 0.40
- adds support for GLU neurons
- BurstiDator_java6.jar is provided, in case the user experiences "a JNI error has occurred" error message.
BurstiDAtor 0.30wo
- adds support for autocorrelation and inter-spike-interval density graphs
- representation of some temporal intervals as long integers instead of Doubles.
version 0.21
Added coefficient of variation (CVI) in java version.
new features:
- support for 5HT neurons (Hajos et al 2007)
- new buttons with links to manual and code
- remember parent directory of last directory visited when running the wizard more than once
- provide *RndUp (measures based on recording duration rounded up to 10 seconds) values in short_summary.txt files
- add "DA" or "5HT" in the filename of output files
burstiDAtor 0.10 alpha
v0.10-alpha DOC: add manual