Small Rocks'n'Diamonds-like game for Jupiter Ace(16K Ram Pack required).
I'm using sjasmplus(fork from from z00m128), zx7b packer and appmake from z88dk package.
Current build(into dictionary have CRC error on header block - now I'm fixing it by hands via TapChecker) doesnt require appmake to get dictionary. So you may use it only
Compilation made by GNU Make(I've developed game under macOS but it nothing changes with GNU/Linux) - if you want build it from Microsoft Windows - you should make some bat file that will pack every file that should be packed, run sjasmplus on main.asm and execute appmake to create tap/wav file.
If you'll need help with this process - create issue and I'll make help you/prepare bat-file.
As graphics and level design was used CharPad(yes, commodore tool). Just load as charset chars.raw and make yourown map sized(32x23) - put it in levels/raw directory, add filename of raw file to main.asm in leveltable
block and your level in game(also you may change MAX_LEVELS constant).
Automated build of tape headers have CRC error!
I need help to fix it properly!
I've licensed project by Nihirash's Coffeeware License.
Please respect it - it isn't hard.