play multi-polyphonic audio samples with teensy audio library
- teensy-variable-playback >= v1.0.10
- 22/02/2025: v1.1.0: refactor, use generic audiovoice and audiosample
- 19/08/2021: v1.0.7: load and save controller mappings and sample mappings
- 17/08/2021: v1.0.6: add
loop sampler
classes with example - 12/08/2021: v1.0.5: changed library name to
- 12/08/2021: v1.0.4: launch_ctrl: added example to play samples from usb midi
- 11/08/2021:
- ability to play non pitched samples using AudioPlaySdRaw, AudioPlaySdWav, AudioPlayMemory
- 10/08/2021:
- changed library name to
- added ability to play samples from .wav and .raw files
- added string sampler and common header
- changed library name to
- 16/07/2021: v1.0.2: improvement to example, use FLASHMEM instead of PROGMEM
- 16/07/2021: v1.0.0: initial release
the sketch below will use note on events from the default midi in port (Serial1) to trigger four simultaneous samples
there is a bit of clipping if too many samples are played at the same time, there is no velocity or envelope yet...
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <MIDI.h>
#include <Audio.h>
#include <TeensyVariablePlayback.h>
#include <TeensyPolyphony.h>
#include "piano-studio-octave0_raw.h"
#include "piano-studio-octave1_raw.h"
#include "piano-studio-octave2_raw.h"
#define NUM_VOICES 4
#define KEY_NOTENUMBER_C3 60
#define KEY_NOTENUMBER_C2 48
#define KEY_NOTENUMBER_C1 36
// GUItool: begin automatically generated code
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice1; //xy=375,182
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice2; //xy=375,221
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice3; //xy=375,263
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice4; //xy=376,304
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice5; //xy=377,357
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice6; //xy=377,401
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice7; //xy=377,439
AudioPlayArrayResmp voice8; //xy=379,477
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope1; //xy=520,177
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope2; //xy=521,221
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope3; //xy=519,263
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope4; //xy=522,305
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope5; //xy=522,357
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope6; //xy=526,401
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope7; //xy=526,439
AudioEffectEnvelope envelope8; //xy=526,477
AudioMixer4 mixer1; //xy=736,230
AudioMixer4 mixer2; //xy=737,395
AudioMixer4 mixer3; //xy=895,329
AudioOutputI2S i2s1; //xy=1082,325
AudioConnection patchCord1(voice1, envelope1);
AudioConnection patchCord2(voice2, envelope2);
AudioConnection patchCord3(voice3, envelope3);
AudioConnection patchCord4(voice4, envelope4);
AudioConnection patchCord5(voice5, envelope5);
AudioConnection patchCord6(voice6, envelope6);
AudioConnection patchCord7(voice7, envelope7);
AudioConnection patchCord8(voice8, envelope8);
AudioConnection patchCord9(envelope3, 0, mixer1, 2);
AudioConnection patchCord10(envelope1, 0, mixer1, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord11(envelope2, 0, mixer1, 1);
AudioConnection patchCord12(envelope4, 0, mixer1, 3);
AudioConnection patchCord13(envelope5, 0, mixer2, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord14(envelope6, 0, mixer2, 1);
AudioConnection patchCord15(envelope7, 0, mixer2, 2);
AudioConnection patchCord16(envelope8, 0, mixer2, 3);
AudioConnection patchCord17(mixer1, 0, mixer3, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord18(mixer2, 0, mixer3, 1);
AudioConnection patchCord19(mixer3, 0, i2s1, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord20(mixer3, 0, i2s1, 1);
AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1; //xy=887,463
// GUItool: end automatically generated code
samplermodel<audiosample> model;
polyphonic<audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>> polyphony;
arraysampler sampler(model, polyphony);
audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp> *voices[] = {
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice1, &envelope1, &mixer1, 0),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice2, &envelope2, &mixer1, 1),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice3, &envelope3, &mixer1, 2),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice4, &envelope4, &mixer1, 3),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice5, &envelope5, &mixer2, 0),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice6, &envelope6, &mixer2, 1),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice7, &envelope7, &mixer2, 2),
new audiovoice<AudioPlayArrayResmp>(&voice8, &envelope8, &mixer2, 3)};
AudioEffectEnvelope *envelopes[] = {&envelope1, &envelope2, &envelope3, &envelope4, &envelope5, &envelope6, &envelope7, &envelope8 };
audiosample *samples[] = {
new audiosample(KEY_NOTENUMBER_C1, 0, (int16_t*)piano_studio_octave0_raw, piano_studio_octave0_raw_len / 2, 2),
new audiosample(KEY_NOTENUMBER_C2, 0, (int16_t*)piano_studio_octave1_raw, piano_studio_octave1_raw_len / 2, 2),
new audiosample(KEY_NOTENUMBER_C3, 0, (int16_t*)piano_studio_octave2_raw, piano_studio_octave2_raw_len / 2, 2),
void handleNoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t pitch, uint8_t velocity)
sampler.trigger(pitch, velocity, true, false);
void handleNoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t pitch, uint8_t velocity)
sampler.trigger(pitch, velocity, false, false);
void setup() {
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[0] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[1] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[2] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[3] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[4] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[5] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[6] );
polyphony.addVoice( *voices[0] );
model.allocateNote(0, KEY_NOTENUMBER_C1, samples[0]);
model.allocateNote(0, KEY_NOTENUMBER_C2, samples[1]);
model.allocateNote(0, KEY_NOTENUMBER_C3, samples[2]);
void loop() {;