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Test generators with ease


Testing generators is kind of a pain to do manually. Because of the way generators work, the order in which mock values are injected into a generator relates to the previous yield.


const { call } = require('redux-saga/effects'); // side-effects as data library
const test = require('tape');
const { genTester, yields } = require('gen-tester');

function* genCall() {
  const resp = yield call(fetch, '');
  const data = yield call([resp, 'json']);
  return {, extra: 'stuff' };

test('genCall', (t) => {

  const respValue = { resp: 'value', json: 'hi' };
  const returnValue = { data: 'value', extra: 'stuff' };

  const tester = genTester(genCall);
  const { actual, expected } = tester(
      call(fetch, ''),
      respValue, // the result value of `resp` in the generator
      call([respValue, 'json']),
      { data: 'value' }, // the result value of `data` in the generator

  t.deepEqual(actual, expected);

This is what the test would look like using a manual approach

test('genCall', (t) => {
  const gen = genCall();


    call(fetch, ''),
    'should make http request',

  const respValue = { resp: 'value', json: 'hi' };
    call([respValue, 'json']),
    'should get json from response',

  const last ={ data: 'value' });
  t.ok(last.done, 'generator should finish');
  t.deepEqual(last.value, { data: 'value' }, 'should return data');



genTester accepts a generator function and arguments to pass to generator and returns a function that accepts an array of yields, described below:

  • generator (generator function), the generator function to test
  • args (array, default: []), a list of arguments being called with generator
const tester = genTester(generator, arg1, arg2, ...);

tester which is the return value of genTester accepts an array of yields and returns a list of results from the generator at each step

  • yields (array, default: []), a list of yields that the generator will call with the value that will be the result of the yield as well as what was expected of that yield.
const { genTester, yields } = require('gen-tester');

const tester = genTester(someFn);
const results = tester(yields('each', 1), yields('yield', 2), 'and return');
  actual: ['each', 'yield', 'and return'],
  expected: ['each', 'yield', 'and return'],


yields is a helper function that will allow the user to send the expected results of a yield as well as the return value of that yield. This is primarily used to inject values into yields for mocking purposes.

  • expected (any), what we expect the yield to yield
  • returns (any), what we want the yield to yield for mocking


skip is a helper function that will allow the user to skip a yield. The generator will progress to the next steps as normal, but we will not keep track of the results or expectations of that yield.

  • returns (any), what we want the yield to yield for mocking
const { skip } = require('gen-tester');

function* test() {
  yield 1;
  const resp = yield call(fetch, '');
  if (resp.status !== 200) {
  const val = yield call([resp, 'json']);
  return val;

const results = tester(
  yields(call(fetch, ''), { status: 200 }),
  skip({ with: 'value' }),
  { with: 'value' },


throws allows the developer to throw an exception inside a generator.

  • returns (any)
const assert = require('assert');
const { genTester, throws, skip } = require('gen-tester');

function* test() {
  let value = 1;
  try {
    yield 1;
  } catch (err) {
    value = 2;
    yield err + ' handled';

  return value;

const tester = genTester(test);
const { actual, expected } = tester(
  yields(1, throws('ERROR')),
  yields('ERROR handled'),
console.log(actual, expected);

assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);

throws can also be used when something throws an exception between yields. When asserting that an exception is raised, you must pass it a function which will receive the error as an argument.

const assert = require('assert');
const { genTester, yields, throws } = require('gen-tester');

function* test() {
  yield 1;
  throw new Error('Something happened');

const tester = genTester(test);
const { actual, expected } = tester(
  throws((error) => error.message === 'Something happened');
console.log(actual, expected);

assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);


finishes ensures that the last step is marked as done by the generator.

const { genTester, finishes } = require('gen-tester');

test('generator finished with finishes', (t) => {

  function* fn() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    return 3;

  const tester = genTester(fn);
  const { actual, expected } = tester(1, 2, finishes(3));
  t.deepEqual(actual, expected);


evaluateSteps is a helper that takes the results of genTester and determines what steps are no equal and displays more useful information.

const { genTester } = require('gen-tester');
const deepEqual = require('fast-deep-equal');

function* fn() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  return 3;

const tester = genTester(fn);
// message gets called when a step is not equal
const message = (actual, expected, index) => {
  return `error on step ${index + 1}:

  actual: ${actual}
  expected: ${expected}`;
const { actual, expected } = tester(1, 4, 3);
const results = evauluateSteps({ actual, expected, equal: deepEqual, message });
  message: [Function: message],
  pass: false,
  actual: 2,
  expected: 4,


stepsToBeEqual is a jest matcher that uses evaluateSteps

const { genTester, stepsToBeEqual } = require('gen-tester');


function* fn() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  return 3;

const tester = genTester(fn);
const results = tester(1, 2, 3);