You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 182
Q: I'm having x issue after converting from newznab +.
A: We will not support newznab + conversions, the script is there if you want to use it, use at your own will.
3rd Party
Q: SABnzbd is not working.
A: Make sure you have the sabnzbd/ in the url.
Q: Sickbeard/Couchpotato are not working.
A: Try without https.
Q: Sabnzbd says I have problems with extra lines in the NZB.
A: There is a script in misc/testing/Dev to fix those NZB files.
Q: How do I test the amazon keys?
A: There is a script in the misc/testing/Dev folder. Read the whole output if you get an error (most people are only reading the bottom part).
Admin of Site
Q. How to change registration status
A. You will need to change in MySQL.
update site set value = 0 where setting = 'registerstatus';
Q. Best way to change user password (admin) when no options to send out email ? If directly in db what password options to set, like md5, password ??
A. Create new user, change role in db, reset password from webui
Backing up nZEDb (ubuntu) (by trev_)
- Stop tmux from processing. Make sure all panes are dead.
sudo killall tmux - Optimize the database
/var/www/nZEDb/misc/update/nix/tmux/bin/optimize.php true - Backup the database
mysqldump --opt -u -p > ~/nzedb-backup.sql
(this will put the newly created backup in your home directory) - Backup nZEDb
rsync -a --stats --progress /var/www/nZEDb/ ~/nzedb-backup/
(these are the steps I use, there are probably better ways.)
Very simple backup script, has saved my DB more than once. Backs up nzbs and covers too : (by Nukien, with some editing by trev_)
DATE= `date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`
echo "Kicking off tar backup of nZEDb"
sudo tar cf ${HOME}/MySQL-backups/${DATE}-nzedb.tar /etc/mysql /var/www/nZEDb/resources/nzb/[0-9] /var/www/nZEDb/resources/nzb/[a-f] /var/www/nZEDb/resources/covers/ &
echo "===== Starting main backup"
innobackupex --parallel=2 --no-timestamp --rsync ${HOME}/MySQL-backups/${DATE}
echo "===== Applying logs to backup"
sudo innobackupex --apply-log ${HOME}/MySQL-backups/${DATE}
Q. How do I monitor the server from another computer?
A. Step 1 - ssh into the server
Step 2 - Once your are connected, type "tmux attach-session -t nZEDb" (without quotes)
Q: How do I move from pane to pane in tmux?
A: CTRL+a and an arrow key
Q: How do I move from window to window in tmux? (i.e. 0 - monitor, 1 - utils, 2 - post, 3 - optimize, 4 - bash)
A: CTRL-a followed by the number CTRL-a 1, CTRL-a 2 etc... or CTRL-a n and CTRL-a p ('n' for next, 'p' previous)
Q: How do I show the USP settings in powerline?
A: add the following line to tmux.sh
"uspsetting 229 0/"
Adding alternate NNTP for post processing
- Under Admin click Edit Site
- Scroll down to Advanced - Threaded Settings
- Click the box for Alternate NNTP Ptovider
- Save Settings
- Once that is done, edit the file nzedb/config/config.php
define('NNTP_USERNAME_A', 'username'); <-- replace username with your info
define('NNTP_PASSWORD_A', 'password'); <-- replace password with your info
define('NNTP_SERVER_A', 'server'); <-- replace server with your info
define('NNTP_PORT_A', 'port'); <-- replace port with your info
define('NNTP_SSLENABLED_A', true); <--or false if your not using SSL
Q. I need to change NNTP Usenet provider (USP)
A. You need to reset groups and truncate some tables. First edit the file nzedb/config/config.php. Then use this script:
php (path to nZEDb)/misc/testing/Usenet/change_usenet_provider.php
Run the script without option for instructions.
Q: I'm not getting any covers or x type of release are not being post processed.
A: Make sure your keys are good, all the keys that come with nZEDb are tested and work. It is still preferable to use your own keys. We do not supply a trakt key.
Q: I'm getting lots of spam, or small files.
A: Use blacklists. removeCrapReleases script, size settings for groups etc..
Q: I'm getting many releases with unusable names.
A: There is a script in misc/testing/Release called fixReleaseNames.php
Do not expect miracles...
Q: I'm having issues with the PREDB backfill script.
A: https://github.com/nZEDb/pre-info
Q: I do not see any releases unless I click on ALL.
A: Go to http://localhost/profileedit untick the 4 checkmarks, click save profile.
Q: The scripts and my site is slow.
A: You will need to tune MYSQL, have a look at the database tuning page.
Q: How do I run x script?
A: type php name-of-the-script.php , most of the scripts tell you how to use them if you run them like that.
Q: My parts/binaries/collections tables are very large.
A: Article collections with poorly named subjects or incomplete collections are created 2 hours after the last time we have downloaded an article for that collection,
if you keep backfilling, your parts/binaries/collections tables will get large obviously...
Q: I'm having x issue not in the readme or FAQ.
A: Please do some research first. If you can't solve the issue, we have a channel on IRC, server : synirc, channel #nZEDB
Q: Can I have some information on collections/binaries/parts?
A: http://s12.postimg.org/ity5z1xnf/Untitled.jpg
Q: My parts table is very large, what should I do?
A: Disable update binaries, backfill, and import. Let update releases run to clear the backlog out.
Q: Is there was a script that would remove releases based on the fact that the nzb for them is missing?
A: Yes, clean_nzbs.php which can be located at /var/www/nZEDb/misc/testing/Dev (linux)
Q: How do I search for 3 character releases?
A: Searching uses fulltext - you will need to change the min word size in my.cnf
if myisam - ft_min_word_len=3 - add that to your my.cnf and restart mysql
if innodb - innodb_ft_min_token_size = 3
You will need to optimize the releasesearch table to rebuild the index after changing that
Hanging on Backfilling
If there is a bad nzb
Run this SQL command elect r.ID, r.guid, r.name, c.disablepreview, r.size, r.adddate from releases r left join category c on c.ID = r.categoryID where nzbstatus = 1 and (r.passwordstatus between -6 and -1) AND (r.haspreview = -1 and c.disablepreview = 0) order by adddate desc limit 1;
then delete the one it lists
Q. Should I run backfill and update binaries at the same time?
A. You can, but shouldn't if you have myisam tables
Q. I have groups activated and activated for backfill, but tmux still says no groups enabled for backfill. I copied the setting from my desktop install which is working correctly.
A. You still have to run update_bins on them first or they fail the query
Q: I have converted my mysql tables to InnoDB and the ibdata file keeps getting bigger, even after I optimize the tables?
A: You should follow the recommendations found on these 2 webpages.
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3927690/howto-clean-a-mysql-innodb-storage-engine/4056261#4056261
- http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2011/11/06/improved-innodb-fast-index-creation
Percona Server as of versions 5.1.56 and 5.5.11 allows utilizing fast index creation for all of the above cases, which can potentially speed them up greatly. Be sure to add to you InnoDB section:
expand_fast_index_creation = 1
innodb_merge_sort_block_size = 1G
Q: I am trying to convert my mysql tables to InnoDB and mysql crashes or returns with this error.
ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table '#sql-4f6_2a' is full
A: The most likely answer is that the partition holding your mysql tmp dir is full. If you have pointed this to /dev/shm, then either drop the indexes on releases, convert to InnoDB and recreate the indexes. Alternatively, change the path to mysql temp, restart mysql, convert to InnoDB, change path back for mysql tmp, restart mysql.
Q: I am getting this error message "Lock wait timeout exceeded".
A: The application is waiting too long to gain update locks with InnoDB. Within my.cnf increase this value: innodb_lock_wait_timeout. Default is 50, generally increased to 150.
Q. file_put_contents(/var/www/nZEDb/resources/tmp/unrar/rarfile.rar): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/nZEDb/www/lib/postprocess.php on line 648
A. Make sure your tmpunrar folder is writable by sudo chmod 777 /var/www/nZEDb/resources/tmp/unrar
Q. KeyError: 'DB_SOCKET'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/nZEDb/www/../misc/update/threaded/grabnzbs_threaded.py", line 26, in
con = mdb.connect(host=conf['DB_HOST'], user=conf['DB_USER'], passwd=conf['DB_PASSWORD'], db=conf['DB_NAME'], port=int(conf['DB_PORT']
), unix_socket=conf['DB_SOCKET'])
A. cymysql has been updated to use sockets, python scripts also, you will need to:
run sudo pip install --upgrade cymysql
run sudo easy_install --upgrade cymysql
run sudo pip-3.2 install --upgrade cymysql
run sudo pip-3.3 install --upgrade cymysql
add define('DB_SOCKET', '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock');
to your /var/www/nZEDb/nzedb/config/config.php
Q: I noticed my update_releases did this: |PHP Warning: simplexml_load_file(): compress.zlib:///var/www/nZEDb/resources/nzb/a/blaaaablaaa.nzb.gz:34: parser error : Extra content at the end of the docu 19:58 <&jonnyboy> PHP Warning: simplexml_load_file(): compress.zlib:///var/www/nZEDb/resources/nzb/a/blaaablaaaa.nzb.gz:32: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: nzb
A: Most likely a nzb is invalid.
Q: Send to SABnzbd button is not working.
A: One possible reason is due to that the nginx server name does not match the domain you are accessing the web interface through. Please make sure that the server_name variable matches the url you are accessing. The variable is located at /etc/nginx/sites-available/nZEDb (or whatever you called your site). Notice that the catch-all "server_name _;" does not work for this and thus your web browser will think that you are trying to make an cross-domain request which is not allowed.
Q: -I am postprocessing and see many lines like this, what is the cause and how do I fix it?
E: File Read Error
A: The cause is mediainfo can not recognize or can not read the file. The file may be valid, just not a compatible format or it may be an empty file. There is no fix, except ensure you have the latest version.
Please do not open issues on github if the question is already asked. Take a few minutes to look at the titles of other issues.
Do not expect us to implement requested features in a short amount of time.
Some requested features we will not implement, you are free to clone the git.