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Version: 0.3.4 AppVersion: v0.5.8

Prometheus / OpenMetrics exporter for GitLab CI pipelines insights



Name Email Url
mvisonneau [email protected]

Source Code


Repository Name Version redis 18.17.0


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} affinity for pod assignment # ref:
annotations object {} additional annotations for the service
args list ["--config","/etc/config.yml"] arguments for the exporter binary
command list ["gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter","run"] command for the exporter binary
config object {} configuration of the exporter
containerSecurityContext string nil security context to apply to the containers # ref:
customLabels object {} Custom labels to add into metadata
envVariables list [{"name":"GCPE_INTERNAL_MONITORING_LISTENER_ADDRESS","value":"tcp://"}] environment variables for the container
gitlabSecret string "" name of a Secret containing the GitLab token in the gitlabToken field (required unless config.gitlab.token is specified)
hostAliases list []
image.pullCredentials object {} Automatically create a secret with the credentials and use it Cannot be used in conjunction of image.pullSecrets
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pullPolicy
image.pullSecrets list [] Optional array of imagePullSecrets containing private registry credentials Ref:
image.repository string "" image repository
ingress.annotations string nil additional annotations for the ingress resource
ingress.enabled bool false deploy a ingress to access the exporter pod(s) /webhook endpoint
ingress.hosts list [""] ingress hosts
ingress.ingressClassName object {} ingressClassName to be used instead of the deprecated annotation
ingress.path string "/webhook" path on the exporter to point the root of the ingress
ingress.pathType string "Prefix" pathType for the ingress string "http" service port for the ingress
ingress.tls list [{"hosts":[""],"secretName":{}}] ingress tls hosts config
labels object {} additional labels for the service
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/health/live"
livenessProbe.httpGet.port int 8080
nodeSelector object {} node selector for pod assignment # ref:
podAnnotations object {} additional annotations for the pods
podLabels object {} additional labels for the pods
rbac object {"clusterRole":"","enabled":false,"serviceAccount":{"name":""}} If your kubernetes cluster defined the pod security policy, then you need to enable this part, and define clusterRole based on your situation.
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/health/ready"
readinessProbe.httpGet.port int 8080
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 5
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5
redis.architecture string "standalone" run in standalone or clustermode
redis.auth.enabled bool false enable authentication
redis.enabled bool true deploy a redis statefulset
redis.master.persistence.enabled bool false persist data
redis.metrics.enabled bool false enable /metrics endpoint of the redis pods
redis.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false deploy a serviceMonitor resource for the redis pods
replicas int 1 amount of desired pod(s) replica(s)
resources object {} resources to allocate to the pods
securityContext string nil security context to apply to the pods # ref:
service.annotations object {}
service.labels object {}
service.port int 80
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} additional annotations for the service monitor
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false deploy a serviceMonitor resource
serviceMonitor.endpoints list [{"interval":"10s","port":"http"}] endpoints configuration for the monitor
serviceMonitor.labels object {} additional labels for the service monitor
strategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} deployment strategy type
tolerations list [] tolerations for pod assignment # ref:
webhookSecret string "" name of a Secret containing the webhook token in the webhookToken field (required unless config.server.webhook.secret_token is specified)