Web file archiver written in Python
wa (web archiver) uses wget to download resources and store them in a directory heirarchy according to the hostname and the path of the URL.
To install, download the source to a directory (e.g. ~/src/
or your choice and run the install script, which will make soft links
to the executables in your path.
cd ~/src
./install.sh /path/to/bin # override default
cd ~/src
./uninstall.sh /path/to/bin # override default
The web archive directory is given by the environment variable $WAPATH
If not defined, it defaults to ~/var/wa
If it exists, Python will read the file ~/.warc
where the following options can be defined
# sets a User Agent string
user_agent = User Agent String
The -m
command line switch will mirror a request recursivily
from the authority/path, so use carefully.
The directory heirarchy in the form:
wa [-p] [-m] [-d] [-t CSV,tag,list] <URL1> [URL2...]
-p preserve (download dependencies)
-m mirror authority/path
-d override wapath
-t comma seperated list of tags without whitespace
Fetches and stores files in wapath (default ~/var/wa):
wa -t archive,test http://www.example.com
tree ~/var/wa
└── com
└── example
└── www
└── index.html
A history file is written in the form:
$ tail -n 1 ~/var/wa/.history
2021-06-18-11:54:00 S http://example.com com/example/index.html archive,test
- 'S' single file download
- 'M' mirror
This software is in the public domain.