This project is an Andoid POS application integrated with a cloud based back for reporting, POS data management and control. The POS is a mature application having been installed in retail and quick serve environments in the USA and Denmark.
- Instant loyalty, print customer loyalty token on request (no customer data required), scan token on subsequent visits to accumulate loyalty points/awards
- add USE_CAMERA to BuildConfig (app/build.gradle) so initial android permission request is optional
- add POS based add/edit of items and customers
New sale discount and item markdown functionality
Update handheld configurations with built in android cammera scanner
Swipe left on ticket dislay to suspend a ticket, added Tabs control to display/select suspended tickets
Youtube POS Registration
Youtube POS demo
Youtube dark/light themes
Some compiled APKs
- Cash, credit, debit, EBT foodstams, gift card, check, split
- Void item, void sale
- Discounts, %, fixed amount, mix and match (buy 2, get one free)
- Item markdown by % or fixed
- Non-tax, tax sales
- Manager functions, X/Z
- End-of-shift cash drawer count
- Suspend/recall transaction
- Open tabs
- Open item (enter price)
- Paid IN/OUT
- Cash drop
- Float
- Item inventory
- Multi site (store) support
- Customize receipt, header and footer
- No sale/open drawer
- Price check
- Price override
- Manager override
- Enter quantity
- Linked items (deposits, packages)
- Repeat last order
- Sale discount percent (i.e. employee disount)
- Split single transaction into multiple transactions
- Return sale
- Comp sale
- Kitchen print
- Dark/Light themes (new)
- Standard pricing, scanned, enter sku or tied to a button
- Size, i.e. Fountain drinks, small, medium, large
- Metric, pound, liter, kg
- StarMicronics receipt printers
- Citizen printers
- Zebra BT scanner
- USB Scanner
- Embedded Android camera scanner (QR Code, Barcode)
- Cash Drawer
- Second Android customer display
- ELO 13, 15 inch PayPoint
- PAX E800 and A920
- PAX S300
- PAX E800
- PAX A920
- PAX Q series payment terminals
- Items
- Departments
- Employees
- Employees profiles
- Discounts
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Inventory
User can set size and number of buttons per page, text and color, unlimited sub-menu layers. Updated menus are (almost) immediately available at the POS.
This is a basic Android app with all the pieces you need to build you own POS application (assuming you have an Android dev enviroment installed). Clone the repository, cd to pos/android and type ./gradlew tasks, then ./gradlew assemble or .gradlew installDebug. Or import into android studio and build. How you get the resulting apk onto a device is up to you.
Once installed you will be prompted for android.permission.CAMERA (the integrated scanner uses the back camera). After that you are presented with a log in screen. For your convience there is a demo configuration ready to use, at the prompt type username 'multipos', password 'eklutna'. After you log in you are prompted for a location (store) and a configuration.
After download completes login in as cashier 1, PIN 1.
- Deli/convienence is set up as a counter top app in landscape mode, tested on a variety of 10 inch tablets.
- Handheld is just that, a handheld version with three tabs, a POS tab (line busting), an inventory tab, walk around the store scan an item and update inventory and an item entry tab to add/edit items in the store. This configuration also includes an android cammera scanner... more
- The generic configuration demonstrates an alternate layout and has no attached hardware
Go to and log in using the same credentials that you used for the POS, i.e. 'multipos' and 'eklutna'. In a production environment each customer would have a dedicated server side database.
- Sales summary, a summary of the current weeks sales
- Item history, sales by itm
- Hourly sales, net sales by day/hour
- Transactions, indidvidual transaction detail
- Store Ops, maintenance for items, departments, etc.
- POS menus, edit configurations and menus
- Account, store location information