I make things for the web.
When I'm not getting paid to work, I work on one of my many side-projects like Otter, my Code Notes project, Journal or my various Raycast extensions.
- 🚀 I'm currently working for Dare as a Staff Software Engineer (having previously contracted for them for a few months). I've worked for a wide variety of startups, agencies and companies like Fathom, Utopia Music, Babylon Health, Digital Futures, Heights, Curve and FairFX amongst others..
- 🌱 Recently, I've been working with A.I. on my Journal & Otter, Next.js 14 on Otter, Astro for my new website, Eleventy (on my Code Notes project), Remix (for Utopia Music), SvelteKit (for my journalling app) and PostgreSQL (and auth with Supabase) and a whole lot more
- 💬 Ask me about design systems or what I think of React
- 📫 How to reach me: Mastodon or email
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him/his
- ⚡ Fun fact: I used to be an assistant cameraman and worked on many TV shows, documentaries and one movie
- 🏌️♂️ Golf
- 🚵♂️ Mountain biking
- Making 🍕 Pizza & 🍖🔥 BBQ
- 🍿 Movies
- 🥁 Drumming
- 💖 Salted Caramel
Feel free to say hello, fork my code or read my blog or checkout my blog/portfolio at zander.wtf