Tags: mlr-org/mlr
mlr ## Continuous integration - Only build on r-devel - Add fledge support ## precommit - Skip styler hook due to timeout - Remove roxygenize hook ## CPPFLAGS - Suppress unused arguments warning ## Uncategorized - Consistent naming for dummy feature encoding of variables with different levels count (#2847) - Remove nodeHarvest learners (#2841) - Remove rknn learner (#2842) - Remove all {DiscriMiner} learners (#2840) - Remove extraTrees learner (#2839) - [github.com/lorenzwalthert/precommit: v0.3.0 → v0.3.2](lorenzwalthert/precommit@v0.3.0...v0.3.2) (@66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot], #2838) - [github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks: v4.2.0 → v4.3.0](pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks@v4.2.0...v4.3.0) (@66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot], #2838) - [github.com/lorenzwalthert/precommit: v0.2.2.9015 → v0.3.0](lorenzwalthert/precommit@v0.2.2.9015...v0.3.0) (@66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot], #2835) - R 4.2 fixes (#2823) - Remove depcrecated rrlda learner - Resolve some ggplot deprecation warnings
mlr 2.19.1 ## Bug fixes - Adjust behavior of `"positive"` arg for `classif.logreg` (#2846) - Consistent naming for dummy feature encoding of variables with different levels count (#2847) - Remove {nodeHarvest} learners (#2841) - Remove {rknn} learner (#2842) - Remove all {DiscriMiner} learners (#2840) - Remove {extraTrees} learner (#2839) - Remove depcrecated {rrlda} learner - Resolve some {ggplot} deprecation warnings - Fixed `information.gain` filter calculation. Before, `chi.squared` was calculated even though `information.gain` was requested due to a glitch in the filter naming (#2816, @jokokojote) - Make `helpLearnerParam()`'s HTML parsing more robust (#2843) - Add HTML5 support for help pages
mlr # mlr - Fixed `information.gain` filter calculation. Before, `chi.squared` was calculated even though `information.gain` was requested due to a glitch in the filter naming (#2816, @jokokojote)
mlr 2.19.0 - Add filter `FSelectoRcpp::relief()`. This C++ based implementation of the RelieF filter algorithm is way faster than the Java based one from the {FSelector} package (#2804) - Fix S3 print method for `FilterWrapper` objects - Make ibrier measure work with survival tasks (#2789) - Switch to testthat v3 (#2796) - Enable parallel tests (#2796) - Replace package PMCMR by PMCMRplus (#2796) - Remove CoxBoost learner due to CRAN removal - Warning if `fix.factors.prediction = TRUE` causes the generation of NAs for new factor levels in prediction (@jakob-r, #2794) - Clear error message if prediction of wrapped learner has not the same length as `newdata` (@jakob-r, #2794)
mlr 2.19.0-rc - Add filter `FSelectoRcpp::relief()`. This C++ based implementation of the RelieF filter algorithm is way faster than the Java based one from the {FSelector} package (#2804) - Fix S3 print method for `FilterWrapper` objects - Make ibrier measure work with survival tasks (#2789) - Switch to testthat v3 (#2796) - Enable parallel tests (#2796) - Replace package PMCMR by PMCMRplus (#2796) - Remove CoxBoost learner due to CRAN removal - Warning if `fix.factors.prediction = TRUE` causes the generation of NAs for new factor levels in prediction (@jakob-r, #2794) - Clear error message if prediction of wrapped learner has not the same length as `newdata` (@jakob-r, #2794)
mlr 2.19.0-rc - Add filter `FSelectoRcpp::relief()`. This C++ based implementation of the RelieF filter algorithm is way faster than the Java based one from the {FSelector} package (#2804) - Fix S3 print method for `FilterWrapper` objects - Make ibrier measure work with survival tasks (#2789) - Switch to testthat v3 (#2796) - Enable parallel tests (#2796) - Replace package PMCMR by PMCMRplus (#2796) - Remove CoxBoost learner due to CRAN removal - Warning if `fix.factors.prediction = TRUE` causes the generation of NAs for new factor levels in prediction (@jakob-r, #2794) - Clear error message if prediction of wrapped learner has not the same length as `newdata` (@jakob-r, #2794)
mlr - Add filter `FSelectoRcpp::relief()`. This C++ based implementation of the RelieF filter algorithm is way faster than the Java based one from the {FSelector} package (#2804) - Fix S3 print method for `FilterWrapper` objects