Team-Piazza (forked from and updated to support Team City 8)
Piazza is a build monitor plugin for the Team City continuous integration server. Piazza provides a high-visibility display of the current state of the build to alert the team as soon as the build breaks.
For any build, Piazza displays:
The project and build name
The current build number
Whether the build is "red" or "green"
Textual success/failure indication for the colour-blind
Whether the Team City server is currently building
The changes that caused the current build to be kicked off
Pictures of the team members that made those changes
The progress of the build
The build step that the Team City agent is currently running
The number of passed, failed and ignored tests
To install plugin:
1. Shutdown TeamCity server
2. Copy the archive with the plugin into <TeamCity Data Directory>/plugins directory.
3. Start TeamCity server: the plugin files will be unpacked and processed automatically.