Excel Generator for Go 日本語の説明はこちら
This program use github.com/tealeg/xlsx for excel generation.
go get -u github.com/mikeshimura/goexcel
Easy to generate Excel
Color names are already defined as constant. (used github.com/golang/image/colornames)
Color density can be used.
Border patterns are already defined as constant.
Fill patterns are already defined as constant.
Base style (Font Name etc.) can be inherited easily.
Pre defined Border pattern and Fill pattern Sample
New Excel
CreateGoexcel() -
Open Existing Excel
OpenFile(filename string) error -
Sheet handling
AddSheet(name string) error
AddSheetPanic(name string)
SetSheet(name string) error
SetSheetPanic(name string)
Save(filename string) error
Write(writer io.Writer) error
Colors are predefined like CLR_Blue
- Color Set
ge.CLR_Blue // use like ge.CLR_Blue
ColorDencity(color string, dencity int) string
// use like ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Blue, 20)
Styles are stored as map[string]*xlsx.Style
Create Style
CreateStyleByKey(keyname string, font string, size int, border string, borderPattern string) -
Copy Style
CopyStyle(oldkey string, newkey string)
//Using this command, style can be inherited. -
Set Font SetFontName(keyname string, fontName string)
SetFontSize(keyname string, fontSize int)
SetFontColor(keyname string, color string)
SetItalic(keyname string, italic bool)
SetBold(keyname string, bold bool)
SetUnderline(keyname string, underline bool) -
Set Border
SetBorder(keyname string, border string, borderPattern string)
// border "T" top "B" bottom "L" left "R" right
SetBorderColor (keyname string, border string, color string)
Set Fill
SetFill(keyname string, pattern string, fgColor string, bgColor string) -
Set Alignment
SetHorizontalAlign(keyname string, alignment string)
//alignment like H_Right
SetVerticalAlign(keyname string, alignment string)
//alignment like V_Center
Set Column Width
SetColWidth(startCol int, endCol int, width float64) -
Merge Cells
Merge(rowno int, colno int, toRowNo int, toColNo int)
SetInt(rowno int, colno int, i int)
SetIntFormat(rowno int, colno int, i int, fmt string)
SetFloat(rowno int, colno int, f float64)
SetFloatFormat(rowno int, colno int, f float64, fmt string)
SetDate(rowno int, colno int, t time.Time)
SetDateFormat(rowno int, colno int, t time.Time, fmt string)
SetDateTime(rowno int, colno int, t time.Time)
SetDateTimeFormat(rowno int, colno int, t time.Time, fmt string)
SetString(rowno int, colno int, s string)
SetFormula(rowno int, colno int, formula string)
SetFormulaFormat(rowno int, colno int, formula string, fmt string)
SetFormat(rowno int, colno int, fmt string)
goexcel is released under the MIT License. It is copyrighted by Masanobu Shimura. (Gmail mikeshimura)
package example
import (
ge "github.com/mikeshimura/goexcel"
func Simple1() {
list := ReadTextFile("simple1.txt", 8)
excel := ge.CreateGoexcel()
excel.CreateStyleByKey("base", "Verdana", 10, "", "")
//Style TBLR
excel.CopyStyle("base", "TBLR")
excel.SetBorder("TBLR", "TBLR", ge.BDR_Hair)
excel.SetFill("TBLR", ge.PTN_Solid, ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Blue, 20),
//Style TBLR_Right
excel.CopyStyle("TBLR", "TBLR_R")
excel.SetHorizontalAlign("TBLR_R", ge.H_Right)
//Style TITLE
excel.CreateStyleByKey("TITLE", "Arial", 24, "TBLR", ge.BDR_Double)
excel.SetFill("TITLE", ge.PTN_Gray125,
ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Black, 50),"CCCCFF")
excel.SetItalic("TITLE", true)
excel.SetHorizontalAlign("TITLE", ge.H_Center)
//Style DATE
excel.CreateStyleByKey("DATE", "Arial", 11, "", "")
excel.SetFontColor("DATE", ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Black, 60))
//Style Header
excel.CopyStyle("TBLR", "HEADER")
excel.SetBold("HEADER", true)
excel.SetFill("HEADER", ge.PTN_Solid, ge.ColorDencity(ge.CLR_Blue, 40),
excel.SetBorder("HEADER", "TB", ge.BDR_Medium)
excel.SetHorizontalAlign("HEADER", ge.H_Center)
//Style Header Left
excel.CopyStyle("HEADER", "HEADER_L")
excel.SetBorder("HEADER_L", "L", ge.BDR_Medium)
//Style Header Right
excel.CopyStyle("HEADER", "HEADER_R")
excel.SetBorder("HEADER_R", "R", ge.BDR_Medium)
excel.SetColWidth(0, 0, 9)
excel.SetColWidth(1, 1, 6)
excel.SetColWidth(2, 2, 11)
excel.SetColWidth(3, 3, 8)
excel.SetColWidth(4, 4, 13)
excel.SetColWidth(5, 5, 7)
excel.SetColWidth(6, 6, 9)
excel.SetColWidth(7, 7, 6)
excel.SetColWidth(8, 8, 11)
for col := 1; col < 7; col++ {
excel.SetStyleByKey(1, col, "TITLE")
excel.Merge(1, 1, 1, 6)
excel.SetString(1, 1, "Goexcel Sample Report-Simple1")
excel.SetStyleByKey(0, 8, "DATE")
excel.SetDateFormat(0, 8, time.Now(), "yyyy/mm/dd")
excel.SetStyleByKey(4, 0, "HEADER_L")
for col := 1; col < 8; col++ {
excel.SetStyleByKey(4, col, "HEADER")
excel.SetStyleByKey(4, 8, "HEADER_R")
excel.SetString(4, 0, "Date")
excel.SetString(4, 1, "Deptno")
excel.SetString(4, 2, "Dept")
excel.SetString(4, 3, "Slip")
excel.SetString(4, 4, "Stock Code")
excel.SetString(4, 5, "Name")
excel.SetString(4, 6, "Unit Price")
excel.SetString(4, 7, "Qty")
excel.SetString(4, 8, "Amount")
for i, l := range list {
cols := l.([]string)
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 0, "TBLR")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 1, "TBLR")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 2, "TBLR")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 3, "TBLR")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 4, "TBLR")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 5, "TBLR")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 6, "TBLR_R")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 7, "TBLR_R")
excel.SetStyleByKey(5+i, 8, "TBLR_R")
t, err := time.Parse("2006/01/02", cols[0])
if err != nil {
panic(cols[0] + " is not Date")
excel.SetDateFormat(5+i, 0, t, "yyyy/mm/dd")
excel.SetString(5+i, 1, cols[1])
excel.SetString(5+i, 2, cols[2])
excel.SetString(5+i, 3, cols[3])
excel.SetString(5+i, 4, cols[4])
excel.SetString(5+i, 5, cols[5])
excel.SetFloatFormat(5+i, 6, ge.ParseFloatPanic(cols[6]), "#,##0.00")
excel.SetIntFormat(5+i, 7, ge.AtoiPanic(cols[7]), "#,##0")
excel.SetFormat(5+i, 8, "#,##0.00")
excel.SetFormula(5+i, 8, "G"+strconv.Itoa(6+i)+"*H"+strconv.Itoa(6+i))
err := excel.Save("simple1.xlsx")
if err != nil {
// excel2 := ge.CreateGoexcel()
// excel2.OpenFile("simple1.xlsx")
// excel2.Save("simple1_test.xlsx")
func ReadTextFile(filename string, colno int) []interface{} {
res, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
lines := strings.Split(string(res), "\r\n")
list := make([]interface{}, 0, 100)
for _, line := range lines {
cols := strings.Split(line, "\t")
if len(cols) < colno {
list = append(list, cols)
return list