This code is designed to numerically solve the Drift-Diffusion-Poisson equations in 2D or 3D for Semiconductor Devices, like the transistor depicted below,
The code runs in parallel using multithreading through the Intel Thread Building Blocks. Poisson's equation is solved using the mixed finite element method. The drift-diffusion equations for electron and hole transport are discrititzed with the local discontinuous Galerkin method and time stepping is performed using implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods.
The requirements for this software is deal.ii library version 8.4.0 or highe and CMake version 2.8 or higher.
First obtain and install a copy of the dealii deal.ii library version 8.4.0 or higher.
To generate a makefile for this code using CMake type into the terminal:
cmake . -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path_to_deal.ii
To compile the code in release mode use:
make release
To run the executable use: