- 🔭 I’m currently working at Tata Consultancy Services.
- 🌱 I’m currently researching more about new technologies.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate more on my Youtube - @mightyghosthack Channel.
- 🤔 I’m currently learning more about stock market & options trading etc.
- 😄 Others called me Developer, Hacker, Youtuber & astrologer as well 😉 which sounds more funny
- 💬 Ask me any tech related stuff.
- ⏱️ Meantime love to watch Anime series 💚
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to read more about spirituality, astrology, astronomy, psychology and love to Travel 🏖️ etc.
- Essential Programming Language For ETHICAL HACKER
- Youtube SubBot PART #1 | #SubBot Python Script | Auto Subscriber Bot
- Angular + Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notifications 🔔 Part 1
- What is Reverse Shell ? | Reverse #Shell Implementation | Python Script
- Angular Environment Build Once Deploy Anywhere
- SOLID Principles in React for Cleaner and Scalable Code
- Essential Design Patterns for Building Scalable React Applications
- Build a Word Search Game to visualize a Depth-First Search Algorithm
- Battery Indicator Python Script
- YouTube Subscriber Counter Widget